Sunday, June 8, 2008

To the Student Instructors of TPSS Sec 2 Camp, 2-4th June 2008

(SIs please read and comment. Pass it ard such that all Power Ranger SIs get to read. Power Rangers, if your SIs dunno about this, tell them to come read. Thx)
Hey, sorry for the late post.
It's been great working with you guys. Hope we gave you the guidance you needed to become a better leader.
It's been a few days after that camp, hope you guys have already let you thoughts settle and have done some reflections.
You guys are welcome to post your reflections and thoughts both before and after reading this post in the "comments".
Generally, Zedong and I felt that you guys did quite a good job as we did not have to step in much to control and lead the group. *clapclapclap*
I'm sure all of you have experienced first hand the "pain" of a leader when trying to get the team to bond and work together; and also the pleasure and sense of accomplishment when you finally see the team bond and achieve something together.
Think I'll address you one by one.
Zedong will add on what ever I missed out in comments.

You were appointed the OIC of the group because you were the most active and outspoken from the start. Generally a good job done, even though you broke down half-way through the campfire prep. I totally understand how you felt, learn form the experience--what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." You were lucky to have a good team with you, remember you, even though you are the leader, you are not alone, remember how your group ICs continue to lead the group in the CFP?
Especially at your age, maybe this might be too heavy a load to rest on your shoulders, but there are people capable of it. Do you want to be one of them? Are you one of them?
Remember what I told you about what a leader should have? Persistance. At the most trying times, the leader has to fight on, fight on strong, your team needs you(in this case, your team of group ICs--the other 4 SIs). Imagine what happens if they broke down with you.
Maybe I'm sounding a bit harsh? I'm not scolding or saying that you're not good. We're all learning and trying to become better. So am I. Again, learn form our mistakes.

You really excceeded my expectations. Good job. At first when I saw you I thought you were the very slack and unmotivated kind. LOLs... Sorry, cos you looked half asleep and had a frown all the time. But of course, I had to give you the benefit ofthe doubt and see how you perform first. I was thinking," If this guy is really what he looks like, I'll make sure he change." Thanks alot for proving me wrong! The persistance and patience you showed when leading the campfire prep was really impressive. Some instructors might not even have that kind of patience and determination. Keep it up.

I need to really know what you felt about the camp and what was going through your mind during the camp. You did improve through the camp and became sligthly more outspoken, but as a leader, it's not enough. You need to be more proactive and outspoken. I'm not sure if the position of a SI in this camp was forced onto you since you do not have a CCA. But I sincerly hope you've learnt and improved from the camp. Share you though with us.

You were like the "silent-killer", didn't hear you addressing the group in front or hear you shouting at them much. But we can see that you were working. You lowered youselves to the camper's level and spoke to them individually and asked them to start doing things by doing it youselves. Leading by example is good, in fact it's what I always preach, but do be careful ofthe balance, leading by example doesn't mean you do everything and the team watch. Be a good leader, not a good worker. Don't worry, as far as what I have observed form this camp, you're handling the balance quite well.

Generally a good job done...but..
I need to see more of you! Haha...
I can see that you have been observing the group from the way you are able to debrief them during our nightly debrief. But play a more active role during the day. Like what you did during rafting?
I understand it's probably because there's already people like Safetypin and Syarm standing infront leading the group, but there are other things you can do. You're a team, when someone is talking, the others can help to ensure the campers are listening or somethign like that? You know what I mean right?
Or, you guys can always take turns to address the group. It's quite tiring for 1 person to lead all the way.

To end this off,
THANK YOU SIs for the help during the camp. Hope you've learnt form the camp and REMEMBER the lessons.
Remember what I've told you guys about the difference between an Effective Leader and a Good Leader.
No one likes to be shouted at all the time.
No one likes to live under a tyrant.
Leadership is all about balance.

1 comment:

Zedong said...

Lols monkey gonna kill me. He ask me add comments and i happily go cbox type. anw i copied everything here alr. lols

haha i wan to add!! That blardy sabestian is really slack. Must poke him more. Since he haf come to learn to lead. Tell him he better learn if not he will realli be a sebastian cat!!

Other than sabest, e rest really did a very good job. U guys may not be realli well trained to lead a group in camp, but definitely haf shown wad is needed. Perserverance and e passion to improve.

remember experential learning, u learn better thru experience. Take all the pointers that u haf seen n felt for urself and hopefully U guys will noe wad to do in e future when ur requested to show ur leadership again. Remember, u can make a difference, its whether u believe u can anot. Be e 1st to take a step out to lead and motivate ppl. Think "If im not goin to do it, den who else will? "