Friday, June 13, 2008

9-12th June 2008, Xinmin Sec Advanture(Leadership) Camp

Edit: Something to add, Wi-5, if you all are wondering you throughout the camp i kept rushing you all and kept counting down when I gave instructions, and many it was to make you all feel pressured. As leaders you need to be able to handle stress, work wit hit and still make responsible decisions.

The camp was one of my most fulfilling camps yet!
Started with only 1 SiaoCharBo in my group and ended with 19 crazy little monkeys!
The camp was great. Can see that all the campers wanted to improve. All the problems brought up during debrief showed improvement immediately during the next activity and I really saw them get better and better with eat day of the camp. Such positive attitude!
However, sadly, after reflecting on the camp, I do have some regrets from the camp. Somethings I could have done but did not for my campers.

Maybe because I was coughing all the way and I was over zealous about my first full leadership camp? Too eager and excited about bring out the potential in camp, about bringing out the best in them, I sort of neglected the feelings of my little monkeys. The line between instructor and campers might have been drawn too clearly. Realized I actually could have bonded better with them so that they'd talk to me about their feelings so I might be able to help more....

I guess I was too obsessed about my "Roaring Monkey" thingy, too much monkey madness in me. Should have accepted the nickname "Dumbo" even though I didn't like it. For Students.
The campers where already convinced on the bus that I'm dumbo so I'd probably should have played along after the first few failed attempts to convince them I am monkey, so as not to disrupt the flow of the camp.
Should have made myself high even though the nickname "Dumbo" made it a bit hard for me to high.

To the campers: Sorry~! Felt like I could have help more....hmmm...this blog is meant for continual guidance, please do get everyone to read. And even though I may not be posting about your camp, but I will post stuff like inspirational stories and meaningful programs to watch with reviews, so do continue reading. Though I may not be the best example to follow be it as a person or as a leader, but please learn from my positive side.

My lesson learnt: Well, we cannot always live in regret and feel sad. Nothings going to happen. Things will just get worst. We need to learn form our mistakes. Another camp, another learning journey. Even after so many camps, I'm still learning to strike a balance. Just like in this camp, I wasn't able to, very likely because I was over zealous. I need to take a step back and look at the situation and reflect on how things can be done better more often.
Also, need to remind myself to accept things like nicknames and stuff even if I don't really like them(as long as they are not insulting).
Need to be more objective, if doing that will help meet the objective, why not? A little sacrifice is worth it for the campers. Like I tell my campers,
"A leader has to put the team's benefits before his/her own and be prepared to sacrifice for the team."
Leadership is about balance. The balance of when to be serious and when to be crazy.

Done with reflections...i think... now for the day summaries...

Day 1:(1x Crazy little monkey, jesslyn, that you. LOL)
I didn't need to meet in school at 0745 but meet at Jbac at 0845 instead (which proved to be quite a bad choice) so I got a little more sleep. My partner, Baoyun, introduced me as Dumbo, instead of Roaring Monkey cos we've been calling her dunno who's bright idea was it that Bimbo's partner = Dumbo....
Why cannot Pretty and Monkey sia...Beauty and the Beast also can liao....
Anyway, after allocation of huts was done and the group flag and cheer done up, it was lunch time.
And right after that was 3 hours of belay school. Imagine how dry it can get. Never had I had a camp with such a long belay school. But well, it was necessary, the school wanted the students to belay, wanted them to have the responsibility to "handle" a human life, so they had to go through it. A camper, Han Quan, actually had to go through the practise 6 or 7 times because he just could get it. But he never complained. That's the spirit!
Next was General Stations, I felt the games that are played usually couldn't meet my objective, which is to get them to communicate, so I came up with my own game on the spot with hula-hoops. Haven thought of a name for it yet...hmmm... Well, as expected, the game made them stressed and start to shout at each other and still couldn't complete the task. Made them realised the importance of effective communication in a team environment. The importance of talking nicely too. And making sure everyone knows what's going on.
Night activity was Blind Man's walk. This one was done quite well as it's a small camp and all instructors made sure their group kept very quiet. If not the feeling of uncertainty in campers will be gone, and the activity would be pointless.
End of day 1.(4 crazy little monkeys)

Day 2:(4 Crazy little monkeys)
The day started with my fellow instructor complaining to me that some of my little monkeys were cheering at 3am. LOL.... really up to monkey business....
Day 2 was the day with all the highlight activities(zipline, abseil, nature rumble and kayaking) and a lucky day for Wi-5 too.
Cleared everyone on the zipline and abseil, except one for abseil because he's just too afraid of heights. It only started raining after everyone had clear abseil and I think a few even managed to go for 2nd try. The CCOs knew their stuff and things went smoothly, but the thing is, the break they take between sessions is just too long. And because of that, and original 2 hours session was cut to 1 hour 20 - 1 hour 30 mins. It's like short changing the kids....I DUN LIKE.
My group got scolded by me right after the first activity. Because not only did no one had the initiative to bring the pulley for flying fox back, when I arrowed someone to bring it back, they refused. I said we'll wait, and they actually said ok. First time I scolded my campers like that. Even my normal campers don't give me that. As trainee leaders, I expect much more from them. They got scolded by their teacher in push-up position too.
The rain stopped during lunch time, before we went for Nature Rumble. So lucky, because it means the mud pool will have lots of mud and water level in the river will be high. And most importantly, the small waterfall will have great flow volume! More fun for the campers. But yet, they disappointed me again. Late again. So the punishment was to cut the time they will have for kayaking and use it for Nature Rumble.
Well they, still had fun in the mud, especially at the waterfall. It a treat, not many instructors know of that route.
We washed ourselves of the mud at the waterfall and then went for kayaking. Only had 1 hour 20mins. But made them promise to be good, in return, conduct all the activities for them.
After kayaking, they were given wash up time before dinner. This time all were punctual. Guess they finally learnt their lesson.
Night activity was kidnapped! Though our group was the last to finish, they didn't give up, and was very high through out the game. Everyone were running, trying to save their team mate as soon as possible. Their spirit was commendable. Many opened up, like yuting and claudia, they were practically jumpping around, and was very hyper during the game. I Like.
End of day 2. (6 plus a few more crazy little monkeys which I could not identify)

Day 3:(6 plus a few more crazy little monkeys which I could not identify)
HAHA.... Day 3 started again, with a fellow instructor telling me my little monkeys were cheering again. But this time it's at 6.15 am. Guess it's ok. It's about time to wake everyone up. LOL...
The group was super high today. Guess maybe because of the sense of accomplishment in finishing the campfire prep without our help ba? By lunch time, I already had almost 19 crazy little monkeys. I Like. They were cheering all they way right till campfire and after. Even Cheif Ian was impressed by them.
The first activity of the day was Campfire prep. And unlike the past 2 days, I want them to run the show themselves. So ICs were arrowed to lead the group in coming up with an item for campfire. They did well. Baoyun and I did not have to step in to lead the campfire prep at all. They came up with a Stomp performance and 2 girls taught the group a dance. Arrangement and steps all did and taught by themselves. Just gave a few needed pointers to the ICs. Keep it up Wi-5!
One of the ICs was reprimanded by me because of the way he reacted when one of the group members was sharing his idea.
The group had some problems accepting Tin Fung because of his temper and because of the way he reacts too violently to things. Well, but in the end the group did start to accept him and he also knows his problem and i can see that he's really tryign to change. Hope the camp really helped him and he'd continue to improve on himself. Wi-5, remember, leaders need to keep an open mind ask treat everyone equally. When encountered with such problems in a group, you should talk things out and not out-cast the person. Ok?
Campfire prep was followed by low elements, ICs were arrowed again. This time, their job was to ensure safety. Also went through with them some points about conducting activites for their juniors in future. Also made the ICs appointed do debrief for the activity. One of the ICs, Zhuyin, though she never really speak up and ask the group to keep their hands up to spot for their friends, the debrief points she brought up were excellent. She had great observation skills.
Zhuyin. you gotta speak up. You have the potential.
Safety, always, must not be compromised. The rules of the games can be changed to ensure safety while still maintain the objective of the game. If there no way to meet the objective of the game when the rules are changed in conditions like wet weather, then it should not be played during wet weather.
Wi-5 did the monkeyhood proud too during CRC. Many people whom I didn't expect would be so willing to try all the stations including the challenge pole all tried as many stations as time permits. People like Yuting and Zhuyin are one of the 2 I didn't expect would want to try the challenge pole. Well done girls, you stepped out of your comfort zone an tried something you don't usually dare to do.
As for Han Quan, though the teacher said not to let him belay during CRC on the 3rd day, but baoyun and I both think he should be given the chance since he's so determined and willing to learn. He did it. With the help of his teammates. They trusted him to belay them.(Jesslyn, you were the climber rite? You TEH MAN! haha..)

To all, stepping out of you comfort zone very often isn't really that bad once you tried. Just like abseiling, the first step out is the hardest, but once you stepped out, you'd realised it's really not that bad. Very often you may not dare to step out to lead due to various reasons, like your in security to stand and speak to a crowd. Step out of your comfort zone. It's really not that bad.

Campfire: Wi-5 was super hyper through out the campfire man! I Like!! LOL... Wi-5, really really thank you guys for the wonderful campfire! It's really the best campfire I've had yet! Love you guys man. For MonkeyHood!!!

Day 4:
19 crazy little monkeys and they're still roaring after so many days!
It's already the last day and they are still so hyper!
Can really see that you guys are indeed a little tired but kept your spirits up because you guys remember thta leaders must be the last to go down! I LIKE!
During breakfast, Jesslyn and Chella were chanting "Huan Ying Huan Ying, Re Lie Huan Ying!" to everyone gettign their food. So cute la. Since they were so high, I made them lead the breakfast hungry cheer. LOL...
I'm a bit low...haha...because Baoyun and I only slept 30mins. Spent the night writing messages for them on their reflection booklets and to complete their evaluation forms.
Debrief the night before was rather disappointing for me and Baoyun though. Seeing the improvement and the kind of spirit in Wi-5 we felt that they really really deserve the best group! It's the first time I ever fight for best group in my camps. Usually I would think that my group certainly could have done better. But Wi-5 exceeded our expectations. Their willingness to learn, readiness to accept criticism and change for the better. Really really very encouraging for us instructors to see such spirit and that feel that we made a difference.
Initially Baoyun and I were still a little worried that the group might not take the fact that they did not get best group well, because they really put in so much effort. But, again, WE WERE WRONG! They took it really well and even cheered for the winner of the best group!
That's the spirit leaders should have Wi-5!!!
Once again you proved to Baoyun and I why we think you are the best group.

To Wi-5, hope all of you guys will keep all the lessons learnt from the camp with you and apply them in life. And, Pass It On. Make a difference in the lives of people around you.
Once again, thank you for giving Baoyun and I such a great camp. It's really very encouraging for us.
The relationship between team and leader is like a chain-reaction. It works both ways.
The leader motivate and get the team to work together, the team spirit and performance of the team encourages and motivates the leader to fight on. The reaction migth just stop if the chain is broken anywhere.
In a nutshell, Leader motivates team, team motivates leader.

Sorry Wi-5 if I made anyone of you feel that I was too "high-up" so you guys didn't dare to share your though with me, especially on the first 2 days. I probably should have lowered myself more closer to your level so ask to bond closer. Hope it didn't make your camp experience any less enjoyable. A camp is a learning journey not only for the campers, but also for the instructors. We learn from each other.
San ren xing, bi you wo shi. end this...

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