Friday, June 13, 2008


Woot! I'm a wake!
First thing to do, reply my ROARS!

Racy: Good. haha.... if really really got anything find someone to talk to huh.

Syarm: Great that you've learnt and grown form your mistakes. Continue to fight on. With the right mindset and determination, you'll achieve your goals. Be it in leadership, studies or in life.

Pauline: hey... haha... organise a get together with the group loh!

chevron & Syarm & little monkeys wanting my MSN: erm...sorry la... like me and instructor zedong said, company policy, we cannot give la. BUT...we haven been hunted down and added by some of little monkeys le...>.< so all I can say is, erm...go hunting? lol....ask them? woot, promoting communication between diff schools...LOL! eh, but dun get so obsessed everyday hunt then dun study ok?

HUISI: hey, hihi, ban on the com lifted? wait... time is 01:14....u sneaked onlien again huh... naughty

Chong teng: hey, thanks for asking, camp was great! haha...well like instructor zedong said, it's different form other camps la, cos it's a full leadership training camp. you guys might even find it dry during debriefs, cos the debriefs in this camp is very long and we're more strict with the campers too.

Jean: Woot! fast. no need to sleep r? guys did sleep at I M MONKEY. lol... as for I said...sorry. go

vanisa: ROAR!! haha...hi~ I saw the sms you sent jiahui too. LOL...

Adam: yo! LOL... nice one la... Roaring Monkey Hidden, but dun hidden dumbo can, elephant so big hard to hide sia. lol...

Alecia, Huisi(odac), Gilbert, jolin, Gina, Beatrisa, kayying, caroline: hi~ thanks for the taggies! hope you guys got valuble lessons and friendships form the camp. Apply what you've learnt and PASS IT ON!! ^_^haha, ur maomao visits the blog regularly. we will say hi to jestyn for u~

JiaHui: hey, Classmate!! lol....i go find see whether got my classmate photo show you. LOL... She's a trainee teacher now, with luck maybe she'll go your school for attchment! lol..then jiu hao wan liao...LOL..

Jesslyn: (This is uber long, cos wanted to write in you reflection booklet de, but never sleep, so brain was not working) Hey! I really need to thank you for your super hyper spirit throughout the camp! It was really motivation for me to be high and guide you guys through the camp even though I was sick. I really respect you for that. The spirit you had...I really got nothing to say. Only 1 word, HAO! Really made me think about the roaring monkey in secondary school when I was a camper too. Even I didn't had the will power and crazyness to stay SOOO hyper throughout a camp. Plus, you didn't care even if the rest was not hyper-ing with you, you just wanted to be hyper so the rest would follow right?
Feel I really need to tell you this, during nightly instructors debrief with you teacher(Mr Rodja....I dunno how to spell) he mention that you and your other siaocharbo are alwasy so hyper but then to just "chiong" and hyper don't care if the group is with you, then suddnely turn ard and realise, eh? the group not hyper-ing with me. But! really, I think that's good actually, look at how you influenced Wi-5. It's really not easy to maintain that kind of spirit throughout even when you're alone. I'm not sure even if I can do it. Most ppl when they realize the group not with them like this will get pai seh or lose motivation, but you kept going. I really respect that. That really the spirit a leader should have, you'll make a good instructor one day. Guess instructor baoyun really influenced you alot!
I can see your willingness and how much you want to improve! you had THE LOOK in your eyes!, esp during debriefs. Jiayou! you can do it! Like you said, you also realised your problem le huh? read wad I left you in your reflections? dun be afriad to step out ya? (crap..was on the phone with baoyun, now break my flow...forgot what I wanted to say again...think think think...)
If you know you're right, just step out and make it happen. You really have it in you. You just lack some confidence. And, don't be afraid to make mistakes. A leader don't need to be perfect.
Make responsible decesions. Ideas need to come only from you. You have your team, ideas can come form them. Your job: lead them in working together.
Be more confident.
Also, it about balance. Balance between when to be serious and when to be crazy. I can't tell you what's this balance becasue you need to discover for youself where is your balance.
Roaring Monkey believes in you!!!
Really respect you spirit....for that, I need to learn form you too. ^_^
(P.S.: wa lau...only write abt baoyun lo....then now I become dumb one....sad.. i know i act stupid la....but really dumb meh... anyway, u know y baoyun call me dumbo a not, cos all the other instructors call her bumbo, then dunno which joker decided that bimbo's partner = dumbo....-.- hmm.... anyway, jiayou ya? GO JESSLYN!!! SIAO CHAR BO!!!)

Yuting: hey cotton! I wake up le la...can see you really changed alot from camp huh! both you and claudia. ^_^
GO! keep it up and keep trying new things!! but, eh, remember got somethings cannot try hor...

Amanda:yoz. slept back to work. haha.. hope u gain valuable wisdom and knowledge form the camp. pass it on. you got that leader blood in you too. haha... though you're the more quiet type, but can see thatwhen you speak, people listen.

Pokpok: LOL...u la... pokpok anyhow throw, later ppl area cleaning hard to do know.
Anyway, you showed your leading abilities during camp, bring what you learnt back to school, apply and pass it on.

Baoyun: thank you lo.... now i become the dumb one lo... sad....

Claudia: Hey paper! you and yuting really became v hyper huh. cute la. lol... yeah, will write abt the camp after this.

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