Friday, June 6, 2008

2nd-4th June 2008, Tampines Sec 2 Camp

Finally got the energy to finish this....
Seriously, it was STUPID to do camps when you're already sick.
BUT, I didn't regret doing this one.
This camp, unlike others I've done, has a special meaning, and it's flooded my instructors.
It's Chief Andrew's last camp. Everyone wanted to share these last moment with him.
I haven't know Andrew for very long and as a matter of fact, this is actually the first camp I'm doing under him. But because I know him and I've never done his camps before, this is my last chance. Even if I'm sick, even if 3 instructors will be sharing 2 pay. I had to do it. And I DON'T REGRET. This'll take a while to finish much mixed feelings....
And sorry...the post most probably going to be quite disorganised....I'm still a bit blur...
(need to get well camp on monday!)

The camp didn't start very smoothly actually, because there where so many instructors and so many people trying to give different instructions at the same time and so many different styles, there where some clashes. Clashes not as in disagreement between instructors, but clashing of instructions. This is a classic example of having too many leaders in a group--When too many people are trying to lead at the same time, the team cannot progress because they do not have a common direction. Time was wasted due to wrong instruction or to multiple change of instructions.
However, like we always tell campers, COMMUNICATE, we gathered to a few times address the problems. Learnt each others style and started adapting. After a not so smooth running Day 1, things went smoothly from Day 2 onwards.

Day 1:
Like many camps, many campers didn't start out very excited about the camp. Many were not very motivated and not very "high".
This camp, we were supposed to push the Student Instructors(SI) with our groups to take on the leadership position. Day 1 mostly involved briefing them of what's expected of them and giving them tips on leading.

Nature Rumble on the first day was changed to Rafting. Which, I really saw the group working together to complete the raft. The SI also went in to help to lead the campers to complete the raft. There were at least one or two campers who took up the active role of planning and building the raft. Maybe I'll see them next year as SIs? haha...And unlike some camps where many will do doing nothing while the rest of the the team built the raft, almost everyone in the team was doing something. Probably due to the small number of students in a group, but still very encouraging.

The night activity, Kidnapped, went on well too. I purposely picked Chong Teng out as the victim because he was one of the most active campers in Group 2 during Rafting. Wanted to make the team work without him, and tested the SIs' capabilities. They proved the could do it. Though we came back 2nd last, theteam did not give up and were really motivated to finish the race. Keep it up guys.

Day 2:
The first activity was Nature Rumble. I'd Like to call it, Mud Spa. Lol... Everything went ok even though the original route was blocked by a fallen tree....until, Zedong and I tried to clear the path and I suddenly got stung by Wasps. There was a Wasps nest on the fallen tree and it's now in the way. Luckily none of the campers got stung. It was painful for my ear though. (Think I'll have to recce a new route for Nature Rumble) Also, "pimples" started appearing on Zedong and some campers' legs hours after the trip. That the first time I'm seeing this.

Campfire prep, again like in many other camps, campers didn't feel the sense of urgency in the begining and did not cooperate with the SIs that where tasked to lead the campfire prep. Discussion did go on in a small group but many were just talking amongst themselves. As a result, by the end of our allocated CFP slot, we were still not done with the campfire item.
Despite all these, there's still something positive I've noted, many the group, especially those that are actively participating in the discussion, are not afraid to step out in front of the class to lead/ teach the group the dance steps. Luckily, at the end everyone finally felt the sense of urgency and start cooperating and we finally finished the campfire item on time. Power Rangers, I hope you guys learnt through this that there are times to be seriously about work and there are times to play. Though we manage to pull of the performance, in the end, but think about it, if we all started cooperating earlier, the dance might have been longer and better rehersed and the cheer could have been more solid. Right? Power Rangers, remember this lesson--Don't wait till the last minute then start panicing and rushing.

Day 3:
For Zedong and I, Power Rangers, you guys really impressed us the most on the last day during area cleaning. Both the girls and the guys, though there were a handful that started "slacking" outside the toilet after a while but you guys did help a bit(But hey, in future, HELP MORE! lol...make urself useful. I know there a lack of equipment but, IMPROVISE, I saw some girls sweeping out water with their slippers. haha...nice. Or at least ask me what to do.)
We really saw everyone working! All or more of you did not need us to keep pushing to finish the cleaning. Though the cleaning couldn't be finished on time and other instructors had to come to finish up the drying, but it was already a very good job by you guys(Don't worry, they finished drying up the toilet soon after you guys got seated in the hall). look at the condition of the toilet before and after your cleaning?
We've had toilets that are not that dirty at the beginning but instructors still had to stay behind to finish the cleaning.
The cleaning was just GREAT. What more can I say. GO GO POWER RANGERS!!

The feeling I had was quite weird by the end of the campfire. At first I didn't expect myself to have too much feeling for this camp. Both Zedong and I didn't want to step in too much to interfer as we wanted to SI to learn to lead on their own. Which in the end, they did.(SIs, think I'll write a seperate post for you guys since we din get to debrief you guys) At first, the performance of the campers were quite disappointing. Not cooperative and many, not motivated right till before campfire. But during the last minute campfire prep, the campfire and the working spirit we saw during area cleaning, suddenly we saw the change in the campers. Suddenly all the trouble we went through was worth it. All the sleepless nights, all the shouting and wrecking of brains to get you guys to bond and work together.....everything was worth it. SIs, I'm sure you guys feel the same. At the end of the campfire, I felt like crying too. There was an unexplain attachment...a feeling of sadness...but we all have to move on. Everythign is but a passing phase in life, we learn form each episode, keep memories with us, and then move on.

Power Rangers, I hope the camp have really helped you guys bond better, help you know yourselves and your friends more and help you guys become a better person.
Hope you guys had fun.


Debbie said...

i miss the camp .. seriously .

i want to spend a few more days sia ..
too short le .
altho i know you all cant keep in contact w/ us but its nvm !

we will all continue to miss nao & monkey !
not forgetting the si lah :p


Roaring Monkey said...

just remember what we've said and what you've learnt during camp.
apply them in you daily life.
then we will always be there with you, in your heart.