Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Coffee Powder, the Egg and the Carrot.

Since I heard this story in secondary school, it has motivated me and help me fought my way through trying times and reminded me I need to adapt since I heard it in secondary school

The Coffee powder, the egg and the carrot.
This 3 different things when placed in a pot of boiling water, gives 3 very different results.
The Coffee power turns the pot of boiling water black.
The initially fragile egg turns in to hard boiled egg.
The hard carrot turns soft and crumbles.

This 3 different objects' reaction to the pot of boiling water is analogous to how 3 different type of people reacts and adapt to a trying environment.

The first type of person, the coffee powder--very influential
when placed in a tough situation or a new environment, instead of changing himself to fit into the new environment, he changes the environment to fit him.

The second type of person, the egg--what doesn't kill him only makes him stronger.
When placed in a trying environment, he may not be a very strong person initially, but he toughens himself up to survive in the harsh environment.

The third type of person, the carrot--breaks down under stress.
He may be the stronger one under normal conditions but when thrown in to a new and trying environment, he is unable to adapt and crumbles.

In is true that it's impossible to always change the environment to fit you. Moreover, not everyone has the charisma or ability to do so.

But at least, be the egg, not the carrot.

There'll be many trying situations as we grow up and throughout our life journey.
We need to adapt to the changing environment to survive and to strive.
If not we will just break down and crumble like the carrot.

Everytime when I face trying situations and feel like giving up, I'll tell myself, I a am not a carrot.
If I cannot be the coffee powder, at least be the egg.
What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

Pain is weakness leaving your body.

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