Friday, June 20, 2008

My Blog My World -- 19th June 2008 9.30pm Channel U

This post should have been up on Thursday night or Friday morning...>.<
busy fooling ard...Xp
well here it is now...

The episode's about boy whose mother died when he was very young, didn't catch his name, we shall call him Sam.
Sam's father remarried.
With memories of his father hitting his mother and because his father didn't like to see him playing soccer all the time, he felt his father hated him.
Trapped in this whirlpool of bad childhood memories, Sam had a void in his heart.
He felt he didn't belong to his home.
He felt unloved.
He lived in agony.
Each day, Sam arrives home after school with a long face and locks himself in his room.
In the morning, he go straight out the door, he never noticed the breakfast prepared for him.
His step-mother didn't know what to do as well.

He needed love to fill the void.

He was interested in a girl in his school, Christine.
He only looked at her from afar.
He didn't dare to make a move, he thinks he isn't fit to.
His buddy realised this, he knew Christine and gave Sam her number.
Sam was hesitant and didn't think it'll make a difference.
But he soon gave in to his urge to know her.
He sms-ed her, introducing himself and asking if they could be friends.
She agreed.
He was overwhelmed with joy.
In his world, there's only Christine now.
To Christine, Sam was only a normal friend she just got to know.
But he was too eager to feel loved, rushed to get her flowers before meeting her after school; cooked for her on her birthday(he remembered how his late mother used to cook for him); met her to walk to school together; running off straight after soccer training to meet her.
He took Christine as his girlfriend.
When Sam sent flowers to her place and got her scolded by her mother, Christine finally decided she's had enough.
Sam was rushing off after soccer training to meet her when she called to scold him. He was really disappointed.
The next day when he wanted to meet Christine in school, she turned and walk away at the sight of him.
They met to talk things out after that. Christine didn't understand why he behaved they way he did.
She wanted an explanation.
In front of Christine, all Sam could say was, "I'm Sorry."

Sam's world came crushing down on him.
He lost all motivation to do anything.
She skipped school, skipped soccer training and locked himself in his room. (this brings me to my post on BGR. Pls read the post, Roaring Monkey looks at BRG)
He ignored the calls of his buddy who is also his team captain.
At night, he went to vent his frustration at the soccer field.
Knowing that he'll turn up, his buddy met him there.
They talk about it and played together.
Feeling much better after sweating it out, Sam went home in the morning.
When he entered the door, on the table was breakfast waiting for him.
This time, he saw it.
As Sam sat down and started eating. his step-mother quickly got him a new cup of hot milo.
Sipping the hot milo, she suddenly felt the warmth, suddenly realised his family did care for him.
He suddenly woke up.
He asked himself, "What have I been missing out all this while?"

The family in this story lacked communication. If they had communicate more, things would have been better, there'd be more sense of belonging.

Very often when you are feeling unloved, like no once cares for you, don't get consumed in your self-pity.
Take a step back.
Look at yourselves and the people around you.
THERE ARE people who CARE.
You don't know what you've been missing out.

Something positive in the story, Sam didn't choose to drown himself in self-pity and start to do things like hurting himself to feel "relieves". IT WON'T WORK!
Instead, he chose to sweat it out.
With the help of his buddy, he felt much better. THIS WORKS!!
This is something we can learn.
Exercising helps us relieve and release all that vent up anger and frustration and gives us a clearer head to see more clearly and to work things out.

Doubt I'll be able to write on the next episode.....
I'll be doing back to back camps...
23-25 ite camp...
26-28 jurong west pri or something...
29...abseiling i think...
30-2 ian's last camp...
woot...power pack week.

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