Sunday, June 29, 2008

23-25th June 2008, Simei ITE Student Council Bonding Camp.

My first ever ITE camp.
I.E., first ever camp with campers age so close to mine.

The camp is a bonding camp for the Student Council, the school wanted to Student Council to know each other better so as to work together better. There are a few different committees in the Student Council and the members from different committees not necessarily knew each other. Also, the camp was also done to instill a greater sense of belonging in the Councilors so that they will be more committed to Student Council duties.

Day 1:
Got to the school and waited for the student to arrive at school before we started taking attendance and dividing them into their groups. This took quite long as there were some problems with the groupings and it had to be done again.
After ice-breaker in school we left for Bottle Tree Park.
The first activity was Amusing Race around Yishun.
It's my first time conducting this activity around Yishun, so I'm not familiar with the place as well. But luckily, the objective of the activity did not require me to know the place well.
Objective of the activity was to make them realize the importance of communication and raise their awareness to their surroundings and well-being of their teammates. To learnt to look out for each other. Also, the importance of planning. For this camp, also for me to observe who are the more outstanding leaders.
The team forgot to check strength before moving off after a Check Point. The route to the next station went through the shop houses below an estate. There were many turns and one of the campers was lagging behind. She was spotted by one other camper but he did not stop the group to wait for her. So I decided to get her to hide with the student facilitator that was attached to my group and see how long it'll take the group to realize their team mate was missing. They didn't realize it until we arrived at the next Check Point, when I asked if everyone was around. They even answered "yes" without counting. After counting, they realized someone was missing and I asked them, "what now?"
Some of them started to stress and some started pointing fingers. Blaming the girl for lagging behind. Blaming the guy who spotted her for not stopping the group.
I got the "missing" girl to come back to join the group and gave time a time penalty of 5 mins for losing a team member, during the time, talked to them about the importance of looking out for each other.
When you are a team, always look out for each other, especially when moving in groups. They have to learn this because they are leaders and might be leading their own groups in future. They are lucky the "lost" was arranged by me and that the event is held in the urban environment. Campers are not allow to carry hand phones with them. Imagine what happens if someone in the team is actually lost during an activity in a place like Lim Chu Kang? Or say maybe Nature Rumble? In the forest?
Always look out for your friends and team mates.
Leave no one behind.
To test them furthur, as a road block for them to earn back points they lost, I challenged them to carry the "lost" girl to the next check point because she is now "injured". She not light!
But the teams performance was really impressive, not only did they make it to the next check point while carry the girl, there was ZERO complains. Many of the guys were close to their physical limit and along the way they had to keep switching guys.
Night activity was Kidnapped!
This time I took out the Ex-co member that joint the group as a camper because she have been playing a very active role in the day in leading the group during the Amusing Race. I wanted to see how the team will function without her. Wanted to force others to lead. As expected, as they are, after all leaders, people step forward to lead the team. And because it was dark, many where really counting and keeping a look out to make sure everyone was together.
During the activity, also made the team come up with 3 new cheers which took less than 5 mins each, compared to the first one which took almost 30 mins to come up with at the starting of the camp.

Day 2:
People I pointed out on the first night that I hope to see them stepping out started to get more active. Also told the Ex-co to keep quiet today so as to give the campers more chance to lead. The group have gotten more familiar with each other and can now work better together. The quieter people also started to talk more. There was more discussion going on in the team. For campfire preparation, they were expected to organise and come up with an item themselves since they are all old enough and also, they are all student leaders. 2 guys that were really laid back on the first day even took the lead for Campfire item preparation.
However, the group still lacked the sense of urgency. They had lots of time for campfire preparation, there's alot of discussion going on, but after very long, nothing solid is seen yet.
So I told them I want to see something within 15mins.
Again, the item was planned up and we started practising within 20mins.
Clearly, they needed to be able to force themselves to work faster.

Lesson for readers: Being motivated to work is not enough. We need to work fast. Do, not just say. You can lots of discussion going on but if none of these ideas are tested or tried, nothing will happen, problems withthe ideas will not be seen too. Also, a little pressure to work is alwasy good as it forces us to work fast. Look at the campers from this camp. As leaders, they are definatly motivated to work and willing to share ideas, but progress is slow until pressure was given to them to step it up. Look at how much time can be saved.
This pressure to work fast need not come from an external source.
In academic terms, this is the difference between an A1 student and and A2 student.
Though both are motivated, the A1 student pressure him/herself to work faster and more efficiently.

Day 3:
Area cleaning at Bottle Tree Park is so easy!
It was done in on time.
Then it was floowed by a massive photo taking session before the closing of the camp.
After the closing, I kept my group to share with them my observations that's actually meant for the repor for the teachers, but I really hope they'll know and understand their strength and weaknesses and work on them. Of course I did make it a point to tell them that those are only my observations and what I feel, if they disagree, it's fine.

The really respectable thing about this group of campers was their respect for authority. Even though the age gap between instructor and campers is so small, with some campers even older than their instructors, they are still able to respect us as instructors and learn form the camp and learn from us.

Readers: Respect of authority and willingness to learn from people, even younger than you is really really important for self-improvement. It take alot of courage to be able to recognise the ability of someone that is, in the norm, "lower" that you and later learn from them. But if one can forgo the stigma of asking and learning from the younger or someone "lower" it can really bring you to greater heights.

Though the camp was rather slow paced and a bit "low". Probably due to the camp schedule and the number of activities in the camp. Camp needs more ups and downs in order to be more fast paced. It needs more climax, which means more activites to create these ups and downs and to make it more fun and fast paced. You cant expect campers to stay "high" throughout the entire activity when activites lasted 2 to 2 and a half hours each.
I guess it can't be help since the camp was held at Bottle Tree Park and not JBac, there's only so many activites that can be done at Bottle Tree Park that's suitable for campers their age.

Fellow instructors commented that I was running the camp a bit like leadership training camp. In fact, I was....well a little. I threw in many things that are meant to bring out that leader in them and things to make them think. Actvity time was long, so debriefs were lengthy. Up to 1 hour after each activity(no complains again, as expected. they all wanted to learn), as I got everyone to share their views. I wanted my campers to gain more than just friendship and bonding from the camp. The camp objective was to get them to bond. If I can give them more, why not? Through they "hardships" that I made them go through, they bonded and they learnt.
It was really encouraging to see that the campers really wanted to learn, wanted to improve and when they thanked me on the finaly night after campfire for giving them more that just bonding.
Many of them really have the potential. Can see that many really learnt and benifited from the camp and change in them was evident.
Some who feared to lead now realise it's actually not that bad.

Overall, the camp was great. One of the best camp I've had in fact.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Going Camping again!!!

going camp again tml...
first ite camp...
will be MIA for like more than i week i guess....
3 camps in a row...


Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Coffee Powder, the Egg and the Carrot.

Since I heard this story in secondary school, it has motivated me and help me fought my way through trying times and reminded me I need to adapt since I heard it in secondary school

The Coffee powder, the egg and the carrot.
This 3 different things when placed in a pot of boiling water, gives 3 very different results.
The Coffee power turns the pot of boiling water black.
The initially fragile egg turns in to hard boiled egg.
The hard carrot turns soft and crumbles.

This 3 different objects' reaction to the pot of boiling water is analogous to how 3 different type of people reacts and adapt to a trying environment.

The first type of person, the coffee powder--very influential
when placed in a tough situation or a new environment, instead of changing himself to fit into the new environment, he changes the environment to fit him.

The second type of person, the egg--what doesn't kill him only makes him stronger.
When placed in a trying environment, he may not be a very strong person initially, but he toughens himself up to survive in the harsh environment.

The third type of person, the carrot--breaks down under stress.
He may be the stronger one under normal conditions but when thrown in to a new and trying environment, he is unable to adapt and crumbles.

In is true that it's impossible to always change the environment to fit you. Moreover, not everyone has the charisma or ability to do so.

But at least, be the egg, not the carrot.

There'll be many trying situations as we grow up and throughout our life journey.
We need to adapt to the changing environment to survive and to strive.
If not we will just break down and crumble like the carrot.

Everytime when I face trying situations and feel like giving up, I'll tell myself, I a am not a carrot.
If I cannot be the coffee powder, at least be the egg.
What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

Pain is weakness leaving your body.

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Blog My World -- 19th June 2008 9.30pm Channel U

This post should have been up on Thursday night or Friday morning...>.<
busy fooling ard...Xp
well here it is now...

The episode's about boy whose mother died when he was very young, didn't catch his name, we shall call him Sam.
Sam's father remarried.
With memories of his father hitting his mother and because his father didn't like to see him playing soccer all the time, he felt his father hated him.
Trapped in this whirlpool of bad childhood memories, Sam had a void in his heart.
He felt he didn't belong to his home.
He felt unloved.
He lived in agony.
Each day, Sam arrives home after school with a long face and locks himself in his room.
In the morning, he go straight out the door, he never noticed the breakfast prepared for him.
His step-mother didn't know what to do as well.

He needed love to fill the void.

He was interested in a girl in his school, Christine.
He only looked at her from afar.
He didn't dare to make a move, he thinks he isn't fit to.
His buddy realised this, he knew Christine and gave Sam her number.
Sam was hesitant and didn't think it'll make a difference.
But he soon gave in to his urge to know her.
He sms-ed her, introducing himself and asking if they could be friends.
She agreed.
He was overwhelmed with joy.
In his world, there's only Christine now.
To Christine, Sam was only a normal friend she just got to know.
But he was too eager to feel loved, rushed to get her flowers before meeting her after school; cooked for her on her birthday(he remembered how his late mother used to cook for him); met her to walk to school together; running off straight after soccer training to meet her.
He took Christine as his girlfriend.
When Sam sent flowers to her place and got her scolded by her mother, Christine finally decided she's had enough.
Sam was rushing off after soccer training to meet her when she called to scold him. He was really disappointed.
The next day when he wanted to meet Christine in school, she turned and walk away at the sight of him.
They met to talk things out after that. Christine didn't understand why he behaved they way he did.
She wanted an explanation.
In front of Christine, all Sam could say was, "I'm Sorry."

Sam's world came crushing down on him.
He lost all motivation to do anything.
She skipped school, skipped soccer training and locked himself in his room. (this brings me to my post on BGR. Pls read the post, Roaring Monkey looks at BRG)
He ignored the calls of his buddy who is also his team captain.
At night, he went to vent his frustration at the soccer field.
Knowing that he'll turn up, his buddy met him there.
They talk about it and played together.
Feeling much better after sweating it out, Sam went home in the morning.
When he entered the door, on the table was breakfast waiting for him.
This time, he saw it.
As Sam sat down and started eating. his step-mother quickly got him a new cup of hot milo.
Sipping the hot milo, she suddenly felt the warmth, suddenly realised his family did care for him.
He suddenly woke up.
He asked himself, "What have I been missing out all this while?"

The family in this story lacked communication. If they had communicate more, things would have been better, there'd be more sense of belonging.

Very often when you are feeling unloved, like no once cares for you, don't get consumed in your self-pity.
Take a step back.
Look at yourselves and the people around you.
THERE ARE people who CARE.
You don't know what you've been missing out.

Something positive in the story, Sam didn't choose to drown himself in self-pity and start to do things like hurting himself to feel "relieves". IT WON'T WORK!
Instead, he chose to sweat it out.
With the help of his buddy, he felt much better. THIS WORKS!!
This is something we can learn.
Exercising helps us relieve and release all that vent up anger and frustration and gives us a clearer head to see more clearly and to work things out.

Doubt I'll be able to write on the next episode.....
I'll be doing back to back camps...
23-25 ite camp...
26-28 jurong west pri or something...
29...abseiling i think...
30-2 ian's last camp...
woot...power pack week.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

16-18th June 2008, Chongfu Pri P5 Camp.

Done with the taggie replies and reading a few blogs.
Now to write about Chongfu Pri P5 camp.
P5s...haha....had to shout alot because the kids were too playful. lol....but we had fun.
O...and I just bought my camera the day before the camp. It's the Olympus u1030SW. The shockproof and waterproof one. So there's even picture from Nature Rumble this camp!

Day 1:
Met at 0700hr at Jurong Point and took a cab down to Sarimbun Scouts camp.
Prepared the campsite and logistics for the camp then waited for the arrival of the students.
Finally, my 33 little monkeys(literally) arrived. This camp, even though each group has 2 instructors, only the main group IC follows the group around. The 2IC is a station IC and he stays at the activity stations throughout the camp. I'm the main group IC, so I had the little monkey to control whole of the 3D2N. Man, was it a headache!
The first activity they had is....MUDSPA! lol....Dirtiest activity to start of the camp!
My 2IC was the station IC for Nature Rumble but he haven't conducted it before, so I conducted the first session of Nature Rumble, which is for my group and he tag along.
Many of the kids were initially reluctant to sit down and play in the mud, but after I promised to bring them to the waterfall if they do, all of them sat down. I taugth them the "Ah nor neh" cheer while we were sitting in the mud.
After that we all got to the waterfall and......posed for photo!
The plan initially was not to bring any group to the waterfall as those who have been there would know, the current is strong and the water is deep. I decided to carry on with it because the kids in my group were quite tall and all knew how to swim, in addition, it hadn't rain in a few days so the water level was not that high.
However, the choice proved to be wrong! Though they were tall enough, the current was still too strong for primary school kids. So the other groups did not go to the waterfall.

Day 2 :
The boys in the group were a bit hooked on the "Ah nor neh" cheer and was doing it when they were waiting for lunch. The kids where quite competitive and enthusiastic throughout the day. However, they were not able to accept failures too well, especially the girls, they tend to take things too hard. They where the first to finish the telematch, sat down, and did a cheer. But because they did not line up properly and sit down after it, the judges did not recognise their victory. A few girls took it quite hard. After that during campfire, I was the MC for the campfire. (Trekkers planning to train permanent MC for both camps and events. I was a little hesitant initially, but it's good training. So went for it. To challenge myself and to set an example for all my little monkeys). Games were played during the campfire, my group didn't win, though in on of the games, they got 2nd. They didn't take it well. The girls were expecting me to help them win since I was their group instructor.
Of course I did not, little monkeys, winning is not the most important thing. It's the process. As long as you did your best, be proud of it. If you won something and you know it's not because you are good, will you be proud of it?
My 2IC brought them off for debrief while I helped to pack up the sound system for the campfire. When I went over to them, some of the girls actually started shouting "Monkey I hate you!" at the sight of me. This kind of thinking actually spoilt the camp experience for them. They had been enjoying themselves so much for the pass 2 days but just because of this, they feel that they hate the camp.
Had to help them change their mindset with the debrief.

Lesson for all little monkey and readers:
Don't be blinded by the title of a victor. Winning is not eveything.
Also, look on the positive side. Life is short and there's bound to be ups and downs in life. Do not let the little set backs and unhappy things spoilt it.
The girls of my group in this camp were to concerned about winning and when things didn't go their way, they too it too hard. So much that they forgot how much fun they actually had the past two days.
Why let such little things in life spoil your mood? Think positive. Enjoy life!

Day 3:
After debrief last night I supposed the campers did reflect, even though they are only 11.
Had breakfast then did area cleaning, which was failed in the end and I had to sweep the sand off the whole dining area alone while they were doing the closing of the camp. T_T
Final debrief went well I guess. Most if not all the campers understood that they shouldn't take things too hard and that winning is not everything. Do thing not to win but for pride. So it still ended with 33 happy faces.
Didn't manage to give the sweets to the kids because ofthat too. I was still sweeping...

After the kids left and the area cleaning passed, we went over to camp christine for our own debrief for the camp. Everything was ok! ^_^
Some Girl Guide were camping there. Was hoping to see some camper from East Spring, she told me she'll be there for camp and asked if I'll be having camp. But, too bad, didn't get to see. They where too far from the place we did the debriefing.

Stay tuned for the next post on today's episode of My Blog My World

Taggie replies.

Vanisa: think it was random placement.

Jesslyn: thank you for asking. haha...still sick ba.. i told you ytd, uni is starting soon. dun chiong camps now, dunno when then can do again liao.
Just read your blog....liew....was it really necessary to BOLD "dumbo".... lol....u say gimme long reply i tot wad, in the end is "titi...titititi...."-.-
haha, anyway, the abseil, dun scared diu odac de lian. remember wad i told you yesterday? attitude and spirit is more important. never do it well first time can try until you get it. that's why I gave you the tips and later asked if u wanna try again ma. The wall is slippery la. almost everyone slips. sometimes I slip also.
Dun give yourselves too much stress to do the best, don't be afraid to fail.
Remember, shi bai shi ceng gon zhi mu.
I know many ppl, like baoyun and I have high expectations of you, but dun stress out. remember what i told you yesterday? As long a you did your best, even if you do not get the best results in the end, we are proud of you.

Jiahui: CLassMAte!! haha....just went to read your blog. like finally. read the story from roaring queen and all the newer post. haha....ur posting alot again huh.
Sadly, I wont be able to make it to your performance. Got camp.
Guess dance is really tough this week huh. Hmm....just some words to motivate you?
I know it's tiring and all, but remember--Pain is weakness leaving your body. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. So jia you ya? And why you say ur not cut out for dance?
Dancing is a passion. You should be enjoy it.
Your coach maybe a little strict on you guys, but put yourselves in her position, the performance in coming up and she has to make sure you guys make it a good one. it's stressful for her too.
I was a dancer too! so, think i sorta know how u feel ba. tryign to get back the strength in my legs after surgery so i can dance again...haha...
Jia you!
btw, that video is ur kissing video r? -.-...
and where's that play ground u where at? interesting.

Chong Teng: yoz. haha...the vanisa is a camper form xinmin sec. still a bit sick ba. but still active too. haha..

Claudia: Wi-5 was a crazy bunch. I pri...haha, pri sch lay, cant expect them to understand as much as your guys did also. then my group super talkative, talk and talk only..need me to keep shouting....jumping ard like little monkeys, 33 of some of the boys were addicted to the butt kicking too though. lol...

Huisi(odac): when is that guanyang camp?

HunQuanL lol...okok....sorry, i changed liao.

YeAn: haha...ok... if i'll post abt camps de ma.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back from camp! Here's Hun Quan's comic as promised.

I'm back form camp again. Will blog about it later.
First, to post Hun Quan's comics like I promised.
Click to view larger image.

Hun Quan! You're really talented man!
Never expected Blurking to be so good at this. haha....
Eh, but wad is said is, "The worst fear is the fear of trying."
you Blurking!! lol...
Can see the you really enjoyed the camp and made new friends.
Hope you still remember the lessons one leadership and living in a group.
Apply them. Though you are blur, actually you do have some potential leadership qualities. Work on it. Jia You!
The rest of Wi-5, hope you guys feel the same kind of bond Han Quan feels.
May you friendship last forever.

To those still missing camp,
Live in a journey not a destination.
The camp is but a passing phase in this long journey.
All meetings has to come to an end.
Learn from it.
Don't be sad because you've left camp because you have learnt so much form camp and have so many fond memories.

Be happy.
Because you have changed, for the better.
You have learnt.
Keep the lessons learnt and memories, be it good or bad, with you.
Apply them, let them help you get better and better.
As you step out and begin a new chapter in your life journey,
we will always be there with you--in your heart.

Sorry guys, this post should have been up this afternoon....but I fell asleep halfway when creating the post...XP
Will be replying tag in the next post then write about the camp that just ended today.
gotta go~

Friday, June 13, 2008

9-12th June 2008, Xinmin Sec Advanture(Leadership) Camp

Edit: Something to add, Wi-5, if you all are wondering you throughout the camp i kept rushing you all and kept counting down when I gave instructions, and many it was to make you all feel pressured. As leaders you need to be able to handle stress, work wit hit and still make responsible decisions.

The camp was one of my most fulfilling camps yet!
Started with only 1 SiaoCharBo in my group and ended with 19 crazy little monkeys!
The camp was great. Can see that all the campers wanted to improve. All the problems brought up during debrief showed improvement immediately during the next activity and I really saw them get better and better with eat day of the camp. Such positive attitude!
However, sadly, after reflecting on the camp, I do have some regrets from the camp. Somethings I could have done but did not for my campers.

Maybe because I was coughing all the way and I was over zealous about my first full leadership camp? Too eager and excited about bring out the potential in camp, about bringing out the best in them, I sort of neglected the feelings of my little monkeys. The line between instructor and campers might have been drawn too clearly. Realized I actually could have bonded better with them so that they'd talk to me about their feelings so I might be able to help more....

I guess I was too obsessed about my "Roaring Monkey" thingy, too much monkey madness in me. Should have accepted the nickname "Dumbo" even though I didn't like it. For Students.
The campers where already convinced on the bus that I'm dumbo so I'd probably should have played along after the first few failed attempts to convince them I am monkey, so as not to disrupt the flow of the camp.
Should have made myself high even though the nickname "Dumbo" made it a bit hard for me to high.

To the campers: Sorry~! Felt like I could have help more....hmmm...this blog is meant for continual guidance, please do get everyone to read. And even though I may not be posting about your camp, but I will post stuff like inspirational stories and meaningful programs to watch with reviews, so do continue reading. Though I may not be the best example to follow be it as a person or as a leader, but please learn from my positive side.

My lesson learnt: Well, we cannot always live in regret and feel sad. Nothings going to happen. Things will just get worst. We need to learn form our mistakes. Another camp, another learning journey. Even after so many camps, I'm still learning to strike a balance. Just like in this camp, I wasn't able to, very likely because I was over zealous. I need to take a step back and look at the situation and reflect on how things can be done better more often.
Also, need to remind myself to accept things like nicknames and stuff even if I don't really like them(as long as they are not insulting).
Need to be more objective, if doing that will help meet the objective, why not? A little sacrifice is worth it for the campers. Like I tell my campers,
"A leader has to put the team's benefits before his/her own and be prepared to sacrifice for the team."
Leadership is about balance. The balance of when to be serious and when to be crazy.

Done with reflections...i think... now for the day summaries...

Day 1:(1x Crazy little monkey, jesslyn, that you. LOL)
I didn't need to meet in school at 0745 but meet at Jbac at 0845 instead (which proved to be quite a bad choice) so I got a little more sleep. My partner, Baoyun, introduced me as Dumbo, instead of Roaring Monkey cos we've been calling her dunno who's bright idea was it that Bimbo's partner = Dumbo....
Why cannot Pretty and Monkey sia...Beauty and the Beast also can liao....
Anyway, after allocation of huts was done and the group flag and cheer done up, it was lunch time.
And right after that was 3 hours of belay school. Imagine how dry it can get. Never had I had a camp with such a long belay school. But well, it was necessary, the school wanted the students to belay, wanted them to have the responsibility to "handle" a human life, so they had to go through it. A camper, Han Quan, actually had to go through the practise 6 or 7 times because he just could get it. But he never complained. That's the spirit!
Next was General Stations, I felt the games that are played usually couldn't meet my objective, which is to get them to communicate, so I came up with my own game on the spot with hula-hoops. Haven thought of a name for it yet...hmmm... Well, as expected, the game made them stressed and start to shout at each other and still couldn't complete the task. Made them realised the importance of effective communication in a team environment. The importance of talking nicely too. And making sure everyone knows what's going on.
Night activity was Blind Man's walk. This one was done quite well as it's a small camp and all instructors made sure their group kept very quiet. If not the feeling of uncertainty in campers will be gone, and the activity would be pointless.
End of day 1.(4 crazy little monkeys)

Day 2:(4 Crazy little monkeys)
The day started with my fellow instructor complaining to me that some of my little monkeys were cheering at 3am. LOL.... really up to monkey business....
Day 2 was the day with all the highlight activities(zipline, abseil, nature rumble and kayaking) and a lucky day for Wi-5 too.
Cleared everyone on the zipline and abseil, except one for abseil because he's just too afraid of heights. It only started raining after everyone had clear abseil and I think a few even managed to go for 2nd try. The CCOs knew their stuff and things went smoothly, but the thing is, the break they take between sessions is just too long. And because of that, and original 2 hours session was cut to 1 hour 20 - 1 hour 30 mins. It's like short changing the kids....I DUN LIKE.
My group got scolded by me right after the first activity. Because not only did no one had the initiative to bring the pulley for flying fox back, when I arrowed someone to bring it back, they refused. I said we'll wait, and they actually said ok. First time I scolded my campers like that. Even my normal campers don't give me that. As trainee leaders, I expect much more from them. They got scolded by their teacher in push-up position too.
The rain stopped during lunch time, before we went for Nature Rumble. So lucky, because it means the mud pool will have lots of mud and water level in the river will be high. And most importantly, the small waterfall will have great flow volume! More fun for the campers. But yet, they disappointed me again. Late again. So the punishment was to cut the time they will have for kayaking and use it for Nature Rumble.
Well they, still had fun in the mud, especially at the waterfall. It a treat, not many instructors know of that route.
We washed ourselves of the mud at the waterfall and then went for kayaking. Only had 1 hour 20mins. But made them promise to be good, in return, conduct all the activities for them.
After kayaking, they were given wash up time before dinner. This time all were punctual. Guess they finally learnt their lesson.
Night activity was kidnapped! Though our group was the last to finish, they didn't give up, and was very high through out the game. Everyone were running, trying to save their team mate as soon as possible. Their spirit was commendable. Many opened up, like yuting and claudia, they were practically jumpping around, and was very hyper during the game. I Like.
End of day 2. (6 plus a few more crazy little monkeys which I could not identify)

Day 3:(6 plus a few more crazy little monkeys which I could not identify)
HAHA.... Day 3 started again, with a fellow instructor telling me my little monkeys were cheering again. But this time it's at 6.15 am. Guess it's ok. It's about time to wake everyone up. LOL...
The group was super high today. Guess maybe because of the sense of accomplishment in finishing the campfire prep without our help ba? By lunch time, I already had almost 19 crazy little monkeys. I Like. They were cheering all they way right till campfire and after. Even Cheif Ian was impressed by them.
The first activity of the day was Campfire prep. And unlike the past 2 days, I want them to run the show themselves. So ICs were arrowed to lead the group in coming up with an item for campfire. They did well. Baoyun and I did not have to step in to lead the campfire prep at all. They came up with a Stomp performance and 2 girls taught the group a dance. Arrangement and steps all did and taught by themselves. Just gave a few needed pointers to the ICs. Keep it up Wi-5!
One of the ICs was reprimanded by me because of the way he reacted when one of the group members was sharing his idea.
The group had some problems accepting Tin Fung because of his temper and because of the way he reacts too violently to things. Well, but in the end the group did start to accept him and he also knows his problem and i can see that he's really tryign to change. Hope the camp really helped him and he'd continue to improve on himself. Wi-5, remember, leaders need to keep an open mind ask treat everyone equally. When encountered with such problems in a group, you should talk things out and not out-cast the person. Ok?
Campfire prep was followed by low elements, ICs were arrowed again. This time, their job was to ensure safety. Also went through with them some points about conducting activites for their juniors in future. Also made the ICs appointed do debrief for the activity. One of the ICs, Zhuyin, though she never really speak up and ask the group to keep their hands up to spot for their friends, the debrief points she brought up were excellent. She had great observation skills.
Zhuyin. you gotta speak up. You have the potential.
Safety, always, must not be compromised. The rules of the games can be changed to ensure safety while still maintain the objective of the game. If there no way to meet the objective of the game when the rules are changed in conditions like wet weather, then it should not be played during wet weather.
Wi-5 did the monkeyhood proud too during CRC. Many people whom I didn't expect would be so willing to try all the stations including the challenge pole all tried as many stations as time permits. People like Yuting and Zhuyin are one of the 2 I didn't expect would want to try the challenge pole. Well done girls, you stepped out of your comfort zone an tried something you don't usually dare to do.
As for Han Quan, though the teacher said not to let him belay during CRC on the 3rd day, but baoyun and I both think he should be given the chance since he's so determined and willing to learn. He did it. With the help of his teammates. They trusted him to belay them.(Jesslyn, you were the climber rite? You TEH MAN! haha..)

To all, stepping out of you comfort zone very often isn't really that bad once you tried. Just like abseiling, the first step out is the hardest, but once you stepped out, you'd realised it's really not that bad. Very often you may not dare to step out to lead due to various reasons, like your in security to stand and speak to a crowd. Step out of your comfort zone. It's really not that bad.

Campfire: Wi-5 was super hyper through out the campfire man! I Like!! LOL... Wi-5, really really thank you guys for the wonderful campfire! It's really the best campfire I've had yet! Love you guys man. For MonkeyHood!!!

Day 4:
19 crazy little monkeys and they're still roaring after so many days!
It's already the last day and they are still so hyper!
Can really see that you guys are indeed a little tired but kept your spirits up because you guys remember thta leaders must be the last to go down! I LIKE!
During breakfast, Jesslyn and Chella were chanting "Huan Ying Huan Ying, Re Lie Huan Ying!" to everyone gettign their food. So cute la. Since they were so high, I made them lead the breakfast hungry cheer. LOL...
I'm a bit low...haha...because Baoyun and I only slept 30mins. Spent the night writing messages for them on their reflection booklets and to complete their evaluation forms.
Debrief the night before was rather disappointing for me and Baoyun though. Seeing the improvement and the kind of spirit in Wi-5 we felt that they really really deserve the best group! It's the first time I ever fight for best group in my camps. Usually I would think that my group certainly could have done better. But Wi-5 exceeded our expectations. Their willingness to learn, readiness to accept criticism and change for the better. Really really very encouraging for us instructors to see such spirit and that feel that we made a difference.
Initially Baoyun and I were still a little worried that the group might not take the fact that they did not get best group well, because they really put in so much effort. But, again, WE WERE WRONG! They took it really well and even cheered for the winner of the best group!
That's the spirit leaders should have Wi-5!!!
Once again you proved to Baoyun and I why we think you are the best group.

To Wi-5, hope all of you guys will keep all the lessons learnt from the camp with you and apply them in life. And, Pass It On. Make a difference in the lives of people around you.
Once again, thank you for giving Baoyun and I such a great camp. It's really very encouraging for us.
The relationship between team and leader is like a chain-reaction. It works both ways.
The leader motivate and get the team to work together, the team spirit and performance of the team encourages and motivates the leader to fight on. The reaction migth just stop if the chain is broken anywhere.
In a nutshell, Leader motivates team, team motivates leader.

Sorry Wi-5 if I made anyone of you feel that I was too "high-up" so you guys didn't dare to share your though with me, especially on the first 2 days. I probably should have lowered myself more closer to your level so ask to bond closer. Hope it didn't make your camp experience any less enjoyable. A camp is a learning journey not only for the campers, but also for the instructors. We learn from each other.
San ren xing, bi you wo shi. end this...


Woot! I'm a wake!
First thing to do, reply my ROARS!

Racy: Good. haha.... if really really got anything find someone to talk to huh.

Syarm: Great that you've learnt and grown form your mistakes. Continue to fight on. With the right mindset and determination, you'll achieve your goals. Be it in leadership, studies or in life.

Pauline: hey... haha... organise a get together with the group loh!

chevron & Syarm & little monkeys wanting my MSN: erm...sorry la... like me and instructor zedong said, company policy, we cannot give la. BUT...we haven been hunted down and added by some of little monkeys le...>.< so all I can say is, erm...go hunting? lol....ask them? woot, promoting communication between diff schools...LOL! eh, but dun get so obsessed everyday hunt then dun study ok?

HUISI: hey, hihi, ban on the com lifted? wait... time is 01:14....u sneaked onlien again huh... naughty

Chong teng: hey, thanks for asking, camp was great! haha...well like instructor zedong said, it's different form other camps la, cos it's a full leadership training camp. you guys might even find it dry during debriefs, cos the debriefs in this camp is very long and we're more strict with the campers too.

Jean: Woot! fast. no need to sleep r? guys did sleep at I M MONKEY. lol... as for I said...sorry. go

vanisa: ROAR!! haha...hi~ I saw the sms you sent jiahui too. LOL...

Adam: yo! LOL... nice one la... Roaring Monkey Hidden, but dun hidden dumbo can, elephant so big hard to hide sia. lol...

Alecia, Huisi(odac), Gilbert, jolin, Gina, Beatrisa, kayying, caroline: hi~ thanks for the taggies! hope you guys got valuble lessons and friendships form the camp. Apply what you've learnt and PASS IT ON!! ^_^haha, ur maomao visits the blog regularly. we will say hi to jestyn for u~

JiaHui: hey, Classmate!! lol....i go find see whether got my classmate photo show you. LOL... She's a trainee teacher now, with luck maybe she'll go your school for attchment! lol..then jiu hao wan liao...LOL..

Jesslyn: (This is uber long, cos wanted to write in you reflection booklet de, but never sleep, so brain was not working) Hey! I really need to thank you for your super hyper spirit throughout the camp! It was really motivation for me to be high and guide you guys through the camp even though I was sick. I really respect you for that. The spirit you had...I really got nothing to say. Only 1 word, HAO! Really made me think about the roaring monkey in secondary school when I was a camper too. Even I didn't had the will power and crazyness to stay SOOO hyper throughout a camp. Plus, you didn't care even if the rest was not hyper-ing with you, you just wanted to be hyper so the rest would follow right?
Feel I really need to tell you this, during nightly instructors debrief with you teacher(Mr Rodja....I dunno how to spell) he mention that you and your other siaocharbo are alwasy so hyper but then to just "chiong" and hyper don't care if the group is with you, then suddnely turn ard and realise, eh? the group not hyper-ing with me. But! really, I think that's good actually, look at how you influenced Wi-5. It's really not easy to maintain that kind of spirit throughout even when you're alone. I'm not sure even if I can do it. Most ppl when they realize the group not with them like this will get pai seh or lose motivation, but you kept going. I really respect that. That really the spirit a leader should have, you'll make a good instructor one day. Guess instructor baoyun really influenced you alot!
I can see your willingness and how much you want to improve! you had THE LOOK in your eyes!, esp during debriefs. Jiayou! you can do it! Like you said, you also realised your problem le huh? read wad I left you in your reflections? dun be afriad to step out ya? (crap..was on the phone with baoyun, now break my flow...forgot what I wanted to say again...think think think...)
If you know you're right, just step out and make it happen. You really have it in you. You just lack some confidence. And, don't be afraid to make mistakes. A leader don't need to be perfect.
Make responsible decesions. Ideas need to come only from you. You have your team, ideas can come form them. Your job: lead them in working together.
Be more confident.
Also, it about balance. Balance between when to be serious and when to be crazy. I can't tell you what's this balance becasue you need to discover for youself where is your balance.
Roaring Monkey believes in you!!!
Really respect you spirit....for that, I need to learn form you too. ^_^
(P.S.: wa lau...only write abt baoyun lo....then now I become dumb one....sad.. i know i act stupid la....but really dumb meh... anyway, u know y baoyun call me dumbo a not, cos all the other instructors call her bumbo, then dunno which joker decided that bimbo's partner = dumbo....-.- hmm.... anyway, jiayou ya? GO JESSLYN!!! SIAO CHAR BO!!!)

Yuting: hey cotton! I wake up le la...can see you really changed alot from camp huh! both you and claudia. ^_^
GO! keep it up and keep trying new things!! but, eh, remember got somethings cannot try hor...

Amanda:yoz. slept back to work. haha.. hope u gain valuable wisdom and knowledge form the camp. pass it on. you got that leader blood in you too. haha... though you're the more quiet type, but can see thatwhen you speak, people listen.

Pokpok: LOL...u la... pokpok anyhow throw, later ppl area cleaning hard to do know.
Anyway, you showed your leading abilities during camp, bring what you learnt back to school, apply and pass it on.

Baoyun: thank you lo.... now i become the dumb one lo... sad....

Claudia: Hey paper! you and yuting really became v hyper huh. cute la. lol... yeah, will write abt the camp after this.

Back from camp!!

HI~ all my little monkeys from so many diff schools.
and hi to other readers if any...
From my first full leadership training camp! and my greatest camp yet!
this camp just shows me why I love leadership training camps so much.
it's 5.16am in the morning now...-.-...
why am I wake....
well got waken up by my phone cos my friend kept calling me...
to play 1 am..-.-...
anyway, just finished the game and came to take a look...and...
WA! my ROARING BOARD is flooded.... I LIKE!
anyway...going back to sleep... :P
will reply the taggies and post about Xinmin Camp when I wake up again.

Will be going on another of my monkey escapades either when I wake up or on Sat to check out the kayaking spot at Pasir Ris like I told


Anyway, to my crazy little monkeys from Wi-5(Xinmin), thanks for the great camp. You kept your promise and made the camp a BANG!
And thanks for the Quaker Bar and the little note! SO SWEET of you guys.
Hadn't had breakfast when you guys gave it to me because I was writing your reflection booklets. SO HUNGRY!

k...back to sleep.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

To the Student Instructors of TPSS Sec 2 Camp, 2-4th June 2008

(SIs please read and comment. Pass it ard such that all Power Ranger SIs get to read. Power Rangers, if your SIs dunno about this, tell them to come read. Thx)
Hey, sorry for the late post.
It's been great working with you guys. Hope we gave you the guidance you needed to become a better leader.
It's been a few days after that camp, hope you guys have already let you thoughts settle and have done some reflections.
You guys are welcome to post your reflections and thoughts both before and after reading this post in the "comments".
Generally, Zedong and I felt that you guys did quite a good job as we did not have to step in much to control and lead the group. *clapclapclap*
I'm sure all of you have experienced first hand the "pain" of a leader when trying to get the team to bond and work together; and also the pleasure and sense of accomplishment when you finally see the team bond and achieve something together.
Think I'll address you one by one.
Zedong will add on what ever I missed out in comments.

You were appointed the OIC of the group because you were the most active and outspoken from the start. Generally a good job done, even though you broke down half-way through the campfire prep. I totally understand how you felt, learn form the experience--what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." You were lucky to have a good team with you, remember you, even though you are the leader, you are not alone, remember how your group ICs continue to lead the group in the CFP?
Especially at your age, maybe this might be too heavy a load to rest on your shoulders, but there are people capable of it. Do you want to be one of them? Are you one of them?
Remember what I told you about what a leader should have? Persistance. At the most trying times, the leader has to fight on, fight on strong, your team needs you(in this case, your team of group ICs--the other 4 SIs). Imagine what happens if they broke down with you.
Maybe I'm sounding a bit harsh? I'm not scolding or saying that you're not good. We're all learning and trying to become better. So am I. Again, learn form our mistakes.

You really excceeded my expectations. Good job. At first when I saw you I thought you were the very slack and unmotivated kind. LOLs... Sorry, cos you looked half asleep and had a frown all the time. But of course, I had to give you the benefit ofthe doubt and see how you perform first. I was thinking," If this guy is really what he looks like, I'll make sure he change." Thanks alot for proving me wrong! The persistance and patience you showed when leading the campfire prep was really impressive. Some instructors might not even have that kind of patience and determination. Keep it up.

I need to really know what you felt about the camp and what was going through your mind during the camp. You did improve through the camp and became sligthly more outspoken, but as a leader, it's not enough. You need to be more proactive and outspoken. I'm not sure if the position of a SI in this camp was forced onto you since you do not have a CCA. But I sincerly hope you've learnt and improved from the camp. Share you though with us.

You were like the "silent-killer", didn't hear you addressing the group in front or hear you shouting at them much. But we can see that you were working. You lowered youselves to the camper's level and spoke to them individually and asked them to start doing things by doing it youselves. Leading by example is good, in fact it's what I always preach, but do be careful ofthe balance, leading by example doesn't mean you do everything and the team watch. Be a good leader, not a good worker. Don't worry, as far as what I have observed form this camp, you're handling the balance quite well.

Generally a good job done...but..
I need to see more of you! Haha...
I can see that you have been observing the group from the way you are able to debrief them during our nightly debrief. But play a more active role during the day. Like what you did during rafting?
I understand it's probably because there's already people like Safetypin and Syarm standing infront leading the group, but there are other things you can do. You're a team, when someone is talking, the others can help to ensure the campers are listening or somethign like that? You know what I mean right?
Or, you guys can always take turns to address the group. It's quite tiring for 1 person to lead all the way.

To end this off,
THANK YOU SIs for the help during the camp. Hope you've learnt form the camp and REMEMBER the lessons.
Remember what I've told you guys about the difference between an Effective Leader and a Good Leader.
No one likes to be shouted at all the time.
No one likes to live under a tyrant.
Leadership is all about balance.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Born Loser

There was a western traveler who travel around the world to learn new things about different cultures. And as he travels around the world, he collects souvenirs along the way. One day he arrived at China. Now we all know that Chinese tattoos are really different from western tattoos. The traveler decided that he should get a Chinese tattoo as a souvenir.

He arrived at a tattoo shop of a wise old tattooist and waited for his turn.
When the big macho guy in front of him came out form the studio, the traveler realized something, he tattooed the words "BORN LOSER" on his arm.

The traveler was thought, "Why would anyone want to label themselves a born loser?"

Puzzled, he went in to ask the old tattooist, "Why did he tattoo "Born Loser" on his arm?"

Pointing to the to his arm, the old tattooist said, "Before you tattoo here,"
then pointing to his head, "you tattoo here."

The morale of the story:
It is important to have the right mindset.
The big macho guy in the story has already convinced himself that he's a born loser.
So no matter how big how macho he is, he is only what his mind tells him.

I've you do not have a positive mindset and from the start, you already convinced yourselves you'll fail. You are bound to fail. Because you've already given up from the start and you will not be putting in the effort to fight for what you want.

Believe in yourselves. Fight and work for what you desire. Fight hard, work hard.
Even if you fail in the end, you fail with no regrets because you know you did your best.
Aim for the sky, even if you fall, you'll fall on the clouds.

Friday, June 6, 2008

My Blog My World -- 5th June 2008 9.30 pm Channel U

I missed the first 10 to 15 mins of this episode but guess I've still watched enough to be able to write something about it. Hope I don't miss anything....


Parents quarreling everyday....
Not doing well in school but cannot find the help she needs....
Not able to find friends to talk to....
Feeling that she's nobody and no one cares...
Boyfriend problem....

Some girls in her class have already started cutting themselves, they asked her to try it, saying, "it helps you know." Rachel rejected them initially.

As time passed, things got worst....
Father started staying out at nights....
Boyfriend's resentment in her and drifting away from her...

Desperate....Rachel finally turned to cutting herself...
For a moment, she felt relived...
As if the physical pain filled her empty heart and the bleeding bled away her pain....
Her classmates who were cutting themselves saw it and "took her in" as part of them...
She though she finally found friends.
Teachers saw her cuts and asked her what happened...
She thought, finally she's being noticed.
She finally felt there's a meaning in life.

The "happiness" was shot-lived as Rachel and her new found friends soon discovered.
Her friend's parents finally got divorced and she suddenly realized....cutting herself didn't change anything...
"everything is over...
but these scars, they'll never go away.
they are ugly...."

Rachel suddenly saw the cruel truth.
To make things worst, her boyfriends finally broke up with her.
Her world suddenly collapsed.
She broke down....clashed her wrist repeatedly....
"why is the pain still here....
make my pain go away..."
Cutting herself no longer helps....

Then her dad found out....
dressed her wounds....
talked to her...
she finally realised her dad does care...
she promised never to hurt herself again....

It's stupid to hurt yourselves.
It's not going to solve any problem.
For all readers our there, please please please do not resort to hurting yourselves.
I understand how it feels. I was a teen before too.
I too have felt as if the world was against me and no one cared before.
I, too have thought of hurting myself. Luckily I did not.
Like I've said in my post for the previous episode,
"when you're thinking that the world has built a wall around it to keep you out.
think again. have you built a wall around yourselves?"

If anyone of you readers out there have problem of your own and are thinking of hurting yourselves....or readers who are already hurting yourselves....
Please, there are better ways out...

Pray, for those who believe in the High Presence. Be it Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or any religion. You may not be religious but praying does help, talk to the Higher Presence.

Keep yourselves occupied. Play a sport. Sweat it out or indulge yourselves in music. People with active lives, playing sports or indulge in music or arts usually have less problem with managing emotions and sadness. Through these activities you can also make more friends and find more people to talk to.

You can even start blogging. It's a good way to express yourselves.

To my campers(my little monkeys) and all readers, if there really isn't any other way to express yourselves, you can leave a tag on the blog or a comment some where. I can't promise I'll be able to solve the problem for you. But I'll listen.

2nd-4th June 2008, Tampines Sec 2 Camp

Finally got the energy to finish this....
Seriously, it was STUPID to do camps when you're already sick.
BUT, I didn't regret doing this one.
This camp, unlike others I've done, has a special meaning, and it's flooded my instructors.
It's Chief Andrew's last camp. Everyone wanted to share these last moment with him.
I haven't know Andrew for very long and as a matter of fact, this is actually the first camp I'm doing under him. But because I know him and I've never done his camps before, this is my last chance. Even if I'm sick, even if 3 instructors will be sharing 2 pay. I had to do it. And I DON'T REGRET. This'll take a while to finish much mixed feelings....
And sorry...the post most probably going to be quite disorganised....I'm still a bit blur...
(need to get well camp on monday!)

The camp didn't start very smoothly actually, because there where so many instructors and so many people trying to give different instructions at the same time and so many different styles, there where some clashes. Clashes not as in disagreement between instructors, but clashing of instructions. This is a classic example of having too many leaders in a group--When too many people are trying to lead at the same time, the team cannot progress because they do not have a common direction. Time was wasted due to wrong instruction or to multiple change of instructions.
However, like we always tell campers, COMMUNICATE, we gathered to a few times address the problems. Learnt each others style and started adapting. After a not so smooth running Day 1, things went smoothly from Day 2 onwards.

Day 1:
Like many camps, many campers didn't start out very excited about the camp. Many were not very motivated and not very "high".
This camp, we were supposed to push the Student Instructors(SI) with our groups to take on the leadership position. Day 1 mostly involved briefing them of what's expected of them and giving them tips on leading.

Nature Rumble on the first day was changed to Rafting. Which, I really saw the group working together to complete the raft. The SI also went in to help to lead the campers to complete the raft. There were at least one or two campers who took up the active role of planning and building the raft. Maybe I'll see them next year as SIs? haha...And unlike some camps where many will do doing nothing while the rest of the the team built the raft, almost everyone in the team was doing something. Probably due to the small number of students in a group, but still very encouraging.

The night activity, Kidnapped, went on well too. I purposely picked Chong Teng out as the victim because he was one of the most active campers in Group 2 during Rafting. Wanted to make the team work without him, and tested the SIs' capabilities. They proved the could do it. Though we came back 2nd last, theteam did not give up and were really motivated to finish the race. Keep it up guys.

Day 2:
The first activity was Nature Rumble. I'd Like to call it, Mud Spa. Lol... Everything went ok even though the original route was blocked by a fallen tree....until, Zedong and I tried to clear the path and I suddenly got stung by Wasps. There was a Wasps nest on the fallen tree and it's now in the way. Luckily none of the campers got stung. It was painful for my ear though. (Think I'll have to recce a new route for Nature Rumble) Also, "pimples" started appearing on Zedong and some campers' legs hours after the trip. That the first time I'm seeing this.

Campfire prep, again like in many other camps, campers didn't feel the sense of urgency in the begining and did not cooperate with the SIs that where tasked to lead the campfire prep. Discussion did go on in a small group but many were just talking amongst themselves. As a result, by the end of our allocated CFP slot, we were still not done with the campfire item.
Despite all these, there's still something positive I've noted, many the group, especially those that are actively participating in the discussion, are not afraid to step out in front of the class to lead/ teach the group the dance steps. Luckily, at the end everyone finally felt the sense of urgency and start cooperating and we finally finished the campfire item on time. Power Rangers, I hope you guys learnt through this that there are times to be seriously about work and there are times to play. Though we manage to pull of the performance, in the end, but think about it, if we all started cooperating earlier, the dance might have been longer and better rehersed and the cheer could have been more solid. Right? Power Rangers, remember this lesson--Don't wait till the last minute then start panicing and rushing.

Day 3:
For Zedong and I, Power Rangers, you guys really impressed us the most on the last day during area cleaning. Both the girls and the guys, though there were a handful that started "slacking" outside the toilet after a while but you guys did help a bit(But hey, in future, HELP MORE! lol...make urself useful. I know there a lack of equipment but, IMPROVISE, I saw some girls sweeping out water with their slippers. haha...nice. Or at least ask me what to do.)
We really saw everyone working! All or more of you did not need us to keep pushing to finish the cleaning. Though the cleaning couldn't be finished on time and other instructors had to come to finish up the drying, but it was already a very good job by you guys(Don't worry, they finished drying up the toilet soon after you guys got seated in the hall). look at the condition of the toilet before and after your cleaning?
We've had toilets that are not that dirty at the beginning but instructors still had to stay behind to finish the cleaning.
The cleaning was just GREAT. What more can I say. GO GO POWER RANGERS!!

The feeling I had was quite weird by the end of the campfire. At first I didn't expect myself to have too much feeling for this camp. Both Zedong and I didn't want to step in too much to interfer as we wanted to SI to learn to lead on their own. Which in the end, they did.(SIs, think I'll write a seperate post for you guys since we din get to debrief you guys) At first, the performance of the campers were quite disappointing. Not cooperative and many, not motivated right till before campfire. But during the last minute campfire prep, the campfire and the working spirit we saw during area cleaning, suddenly we saw the change in the campers. Suddenly all the trouble we went through was worth it. All the sleepless nights, all the shouting and wrecking of brains to get you guys to bond and work together.....everything was worth it. SIs, I'm sure you guys feel the same. At the end of the campfire, I felt like crying too. There was an unexplain attachment...a feeling of sadness...but we all have to move on. Everythign is but a passing phase in life, we learn form each episode, keep memories with us, and then move on.

Power Rangers, I hope the camp have really helped you guys bond better, help you know yourselves and your friends more and help you guys become a better person.
Hope you guys had fun.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

ROARS replied

ruby: game ma...

marisa: Hi.

Ultraman: oops....sorry la... ur nick dun remind me of ultraman ma....

syarm: problem...

yu hua: i love my super MONKEY pose too...wonder who has the pohtos.... I WAN.

shihao: i write wrong meh? sorry la...5 am in the morning lay...never sleep write de...shag till blur liao.

zedong: start blogging too. lol..

shag can.....had to wake up early this morning to give tuition....just got home...
think i going to go nap again...
before going to pre-camp-brief for the next camp..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back from camp!

Finally back form camp!
Another tiered but meaning full camp...
haha...guess i'll post about the camp tonight...if i wake up...or tml...
too shag le....never sleep last night...

ok.... taggie replies....

Terrence: lol...really...hmm.... just tired ba... yap, i did.

Asyraf: oops...sorry, ur from with sch??? sorry, really bad with names.

Racy: lol.... izzit? I had lunch with the other instructors at bedok KFC just now lay. and, thanks. ^_^

Guo Wei: sorry la...that time i haven start blogging ma. look at when i started the

evelina: eh? sure abt wad? sorry, went camp, come back lost track of stuff le.

akmal: hi? lol.

Ruby: how can i forget u. lol...u slap my tight so hard. bit of the mark still there now.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Camp again tml!

Just got back from pre-camp brief and some slacking at Suntec City.
Heard from Alex, aka Instructor Potato that he was spotted by some netball girls form East Spring Sec while reading on the MRT. LOL....
Tml got came agian!
Need to reach Bedok by 7.30.
....I live in Choa Chu Kang....T_T
well....gotta go.
need sleep.