Friday, July 18, 2008

Taggie replies.

Just got back form Batam!!
first to reply than blog about the trip.

Nive: hi. I'm not sure if he has a blog lay. haha...

Shihui: lol... cos rumble no group photo meh?

Sirong: haha....u all happily tgt dun fight i happy le. hmm....really dunno sia... that time i'm prob doing my last camp before school starts.

Alison: ur alison from where? sorry, really bag with names. plus os many alison. see u will remember ba...

HuiMing: lol....of course. li hai rite? haha....cos zd keep saying " with a 'g'." lol... so i know lo. then saw ur name on ur shirt too. ya. i remember liao. haha... lol... wad u not so "crappy" during camp, joke with u u always like blur blur one. now liddat?
u means u accidentially stumbbled across my blog? my group ppl wants the camp photo can i cant pass them man. though they gave me my blog. but nth lay. though they gave me their email(no chance to return them), i cant contact them. cos technically we are not supposed to keep in contact... but if they hunt me down then not that bad. stupid rite. but it's like that.

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