Sunday, July 13, 2008

Finally went for my Kayaking 1 Star

Almost 8 years of kayaking, and even doing KI for camps,
I finally got my one star!
On the 8th, the day right after my 5 camp streak ended on the 7th, 12 hours of kayak course!
I was quite tiring because I haven't got enough rest yet.
Nearly fell asleep a few times when the coach was explaining the theory behind certian things we need to do.
But the course was fun!
Out of 21 of us, 19 were trainers, roughly half from innotrek and half from trekkers.
As expected, many of us all very hyper and crazy. Lol..

The course was conducted by innotrek and since most of us are trainers, the course was modified and a little extras were thrown in. Things like observing current, familiarization of the waters and surrounding at Sarimbun/Jbac/Christine camp and slightly more rescue techniques.
It is to allow us to facilitate better in future, though many of the things some of us already learnt through experience.

We also cover ideal places to raft-up during high and low tide, dangers of drifting and capsizing near the fish farm.
Last activity to let's us practise rescue, the coach got all 21 of us to capsize and timed how long we need to get everyone back on the the kayak.
We took only 17mins plus. whahaha....
The practise was to let us know how to do rescue in an event where we ourselves capsize with our campers or when we go kayaking alone with a friend and bought of us capsize. It's roughly the same as when I do rescue in the water. hahah..

Company wants to push us up to level 1 coach.
Probably going for 2 star end of this month or early August.
Then Level 1 Coach course will be at the end of August, but it's only for selected trainers...
I WANT!! This way, even if I can't do full camp when school starts. I can at least do KI.

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