Thursday, May 29, 2008

Roaring monkey looks at BGR

hmmm...forgot y i wanted to post this...but nvm...

Firstly, I'm not against BGR in sch...
well, i have no actual experience and wad i say is totally based on hear-say and what I've seen.

BGR can be good and bad.
Good: couple influencing each other in a positive way, like encourage each other to work harder, be it studies or work. Well, for student's case, studies.
Being in a relationship can make someone become a better person, become more responsible, more hard working, more organized, etc....
A friend told me, if he hadn't met his current girlfriend, he'd prob still the playful guy he was.
I saw the change in him too. He really did become more matured (not that he's not matured to begin with. know wad i mean?), more driven in life, and start to think about his future more seriously.

Having someone special with you,
well....someone to keep you company, someone to do things with, to chat...etc....but wad if they are too "sticky"? Resulting in too much time spent on him/her and no time for other stuff?? What about personal time???
Which brings me to the bad part of BGR....

A relationship is supposed to be happy and help to improve oneself, help one become a better person.
The most important thing, HAPPINESS. If not, what's the point?
When the relationship is affecting you in a negative way, then it's certainly uncalled for.
Depression due relationship problems, no mood to study/work, losing motivation to work....
One should understand that as a student, studies should come first, it's your future....
This is really cli`che, it's wad all the adults, parents, teachers...etc...are saying, but it's true.
Yes, there's bound to be ups and downs in a relationship but, what needs to be done must be done.
Don't cry over spilt milk, when everything is finally over and you realize you wasted so much time on that person and still have a bad relationship with him/her and u get bad result...parents unhappy....blablabla....
Weigh the benefit and the consequences, is it worth it? My point of view? No.
What needs to be done, must be done.
Yes, some might say, hey, don't talk big, it's just that you're a loser,ugly, no one likes you, so you never had a girlfriend. But seriously, after hearing all the complains my friends have, no time for this no time for that, girlfriend's unhappy, need hoaxing, girlfriend don't allow me to do this and that....
I guess besides the occasional loneliness, I'm really enjoying my single-hood. I have all the time I want to do wad I play ball, to cycle, play

Next, especially for the girls, for goodness sake, please please please, learn to protect yourselves.
What I'm going to say here, I think some of the readers already know. Sex. This sounds preachy, but it's important.
"If you love me, you should give it to me." I say that's BULLSHIT. He loves your body more that he loves you.

Girls, NEVER, be pressured into it by your other half. If he loves you he should respect you.
More like, "If you love me, you should love me for me and respect me." On the news you see teens starting to do it earlier and earlier. There's even pregnant-cases in primary sch. What's the society coming to? The lack of stigma of losing one's virginity is becoming a problem. Ppl are really starting to view sex more and more lightly.
Shouldn't sex be a special something that you saved for that special someone?? Yes, and you say, at that time you really though he's the one. Hello? If you are 14-17 years old, how sure are you that he's going stay with you or you want to stay with him?!
Then after you did it you'll start thinking, I gave him my everything, I have to stay with him...

For people out there that thinks, Sex can strengthen the relationship, it is true, BUT only when the relationship has matured and both of you are now sure that he/she's the right one, more extreme way to put it, married or ready to get married...
Very often people jump in to a relationship to soon and in the heat of the moment, for the first time they did it. Soon after, they realised he/she's not the one and they start to regret...
But now, because they had sex, they cant just break up like any other couples....
The guy, being responsible will think: I did it with her, I took something very important from her, It's her first time. I cant just break up with her like that....
The girl: I gave him my all. I have to stay with him...
Sex, in this case, becomes what's keeping two separate individuals together in the relationship...
The guy, if he's responsible enough, will stay with the girl and really take care of her...
The girl, maybe she still loves the guy and clings to him afraid to lose him as she already gave him her all.
With responsible individuals, the relationship might be sustainable. But very likely it's not going to be full of love as it is being held together by a mistake--sex too early in the relationship. This is naggy. The rest of it, guess readers can imagine.

That's was the BEST CASE scenario, girls, what if the guy you meet is just a jerk who's toying you?

With the above, guys and girls, please think twice before doing it. Yes, girls are always on the losing end, but guys, same goes to you, a wrong decision and you have yourselves to answer to.

Agree? Disagree??? Anything to add??? Comments and criticism welcome.


HUISI said...

you posted this thingy so randomly...
but anyway,thaks for all the thgs you said...;D

Roaring Monkey said...

huh....random meh...
Dunno i was talking to who...someone in the group...then decided that i should post something about this..
else the part on doing "it"...
really need to remind ppl on that...
esp the girls like you...who are in some sort of a relationship.
Innocent, cute cute, pretty pretty one, then all the big bad wolfs(like trying to pray on...
Really need to protect urself.

I rather just say everything out blatantly and have u guys also tell me everything(dun wan to post here email also can) so that if anything happens i might be able to help.

Roaring Monkey said...

hmm....btw, ur that relationship with that guy...
work it out ba....dun let it get in ur way.
like, no wonder you were like so sad and tired throughout the camp la.
only kayak time then realized ur the fun and bubbly kind.
like it much better when ur smiling, laughing and jumping