Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Blog My World, Thursdays Channel U 9.30 pm

My Blog My World is a new(ok...not so new also...debuted 15th may) TV program on Channel U, every Thursdays 9.30pm.

Synopsis(taken from MediaCorp Website): Love, school work, gangs, dreams ... Youths aged between 13 and 21. What are in their world? What are their thoughts? With the objective of giving the youths in Singapore an avenue to voice and represent themselves in their most naked truth, "My World My Blog" sets out to portray true youth’s stories through untainted glasses for a real life representation in the virtual world of television broadcasting. "My World My Blog" journeys with you into the world of these teenagers to understand their behavior, their thinking, their emotions, their needs and their wants.

It's a meaningful show I recommend teen readers, young adults, adults and parents out there to watch. It gives an insight on what's going through they youngsters heads today and through these stories, lessons can be learnt. It allows teens and young adults to take a step back and take a look at themselves and reflect on themselves. Are they like the main character of a particular episode? Have they done anything similar? Was it the right thing to do? What were they thinking? ...etc...
Also, it allows adults and parents to understand teenager and young adults today more.

I've been wanting to watch the show. But due to camps, I haven't had the time. The previous episode was the first one I watch. I shall try to watch every episode I can and write a review on the episode, including my views and lessons that can be learnt.

Again, like all my posts, comments and constructive criticism are most welcomed.

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