Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Blog My World -- 29 may 2008 Channel U 9.30pm

This episode was about two guys who got really obsessed in the cybergaming world.

One, let's call him "A" felt that he couldn't make friends in the real world because no one ever understands him and there's no one he can talk to. Not his parents, not his siblings, not his classmates. He though the computer was his only friend. He believes he only lives in the cyber world, only there he can talk and be friend people. If his parents didn't allow him to play in the day, he would wake up in the middle of the night to play. He has no motivation for anyhtign but cybergaming. When both his computers broke down at the same time, he even suffered from withdrawal symptoms like throwing things around. Eventually he got a new computer and continued living in his world of cybergaming. But later, the classmate "A" pays to do his homework saw him browsing through game guides and item list in class. She recently started playing the same game too and she suggested meeting online to playing together if "A" can give her any tips. "A" hesitated, but the girls said, " hey, don't look down on me because I'm a girl, my whole family plays games, Dota, counter-strike, you name it." That day after school, they met online to "trained" together. "A" made his first friend. Finally, because he found some connection and he didn't close the door to her this time.

Before you start assuming that the world built a wall around it to keep you out...
Think, is it you who have built a wall around yourselves to keep the world out?

The other, let's call him, "B", is an aspiring pro-basketballer. However due to a training injury, he will not be able to play for sometime. To kill time at home, he started cybergaming and before long, he got hooked. He was looking for something to help replace the adrenaline rush he gets from winning a match on the court. However, unable to win all the time in the cybergame, he got more and more obsessed in trying to win in the cybergame. Eventually he just played day and night, neglecting physiotherapy that help him recover faster to get back on the court, forgot his dreams of being a pro-basketballer, stop hanging out with friends and contacting them because he was busy gaming. He even resorted to sneaking out at night and spending 200 dollars to buy a high level character so that he can alwasy win in the cybergame. That night, his dad caught him. Worried for his safety as he is still on clutches and he shouldn't have went out at such a late hour hours. He had a big fight with his dad even though he knew his dad was just concerned about him. At that point, all he knew was he wanted to play. His father scolded him and said that was he needs is the adrenaline rush from victory. He also reminded him, what happened to his dream of becoming a pro-basketballer? Is cybergaming day and night going to help him achieve that? NO! B's dad asked if he needed help, whether it would help if he takes away his computer. "B" woke up and started working on his leg. Soon he was back on the court. It felt good.

Never get too obsessed in a game or anything, or you'll end up neglecting more important things.
When you have a dream, fight for it. Do not let a small obstacle like a minor injury get in your way. Fight hard, fight well, even if you fail, you know you did your best and you'll have no regrets. Parents are always there to help. All you need to do is ask. Communication is the key.

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