Sunday, May 25, 2008

20th-22nd May 2008, Unity Sec 1 camp

I shall start my first camp journal with the 20th-22nd May 2008 Unity Secondary Sec 1 camp.
Yes, it's already 25th but i'm writing about it only now cos I just ended my back-to-back camp today...
It's my first back-to-back camp experience. Got back home on the 22nd night at slightly pass midnight, shower, pack my bag, a short sleep of 5 hours and off I go for my next camp with East Spring Secondary....that I'll talk about in my next entry...
Unity Sec 1 camp....GREAT CAMP, GREAT CAMPERS!

Day 1: The camp was tiring, especially the first day, cos I was the Kayaking instructor(my first time)+powerboat.....yes...powerboat...I had to manually drag the "lost-sheeps" back together and do rescue for the capsized kayaks WITHOUT a powerboat helping me....
Man, I was so happy I'll finally get to kayak the whole day....turns out, it's the full day swimming session for me...Though tiring, but it was a fulfilling day, I've learnt lessons myself on how to conduct Kayaking session more efficiently too....things like...always watch your back, dun drift too near to the's just a 2nd class played "capsize" near the kelong...8 or more kayaks capsized and took me nearly an hour to get everyone back to the shore...
Rafting up is better done near the shore where I'm still able to tought the seabed sicne objective can still be met and rescue of capsized kayaks can be done more easily.
1 life-vest was missing in the end....dunnno wad happened can a bright orange life vest go missing just like that...zz....might need to pay...

Day 2: I was Abseiling instructor, another highlight of the camp. Was really lucky to be station IC for both the highlights of the camp. Abseiling when on really smoothly except for sometimes when campers where scared and did not dare to go down....just needed to encourge them more but eventually they all made it down. Especially my group, there were 3 of them, but they too made it down in the end. Learnt that for campers that are scared, I should hook them up fast and get them to step-off the ledge asap, do not allow time for them to think as the more they think they more afraid they get. If any campers are reading this, this applies ot hurdles and obsacales on life too, if you dwell on it too much, keep thinking, "wad if i fail", "wad if i fall", you'll just get more and more afraid too try and may even break down unable to try eventually.
In times like these, when there somethign u must do, just do it first, very often, after you take the first step out, you'll realized it's actually not that may even turn-out to enjoy it!

Day 3: I was station IC for the first 2 days and was still thinking I may not be able to bond too well with the group for the hike on the last day. But turns out we bonded really well. The hike when on really well(except for the part where they keep askign my for my address and contact...kinda, saw many of them starting to work together and started looking out for each other and we got the highest scored for the hike!! Some other trainers like Kristlyn was teasing me saying that my group won cos I "bang-chance" cos I did the recce for the hike.
but....ROAR!!!! I DID NOT!!! I never lead the group at all, they lead themselves and lead themselves, it was their own effort. Every member played a part in it. It wasn't a case of 1 person leading all the way. love them.

In all, the camp was great. Was really lucky to have such a nice group! Just pure luck...haha....
All the best to everyone!!!!

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