Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ROAR!!! The barber spoilt my TAIWAN-CUT hair...T_T

ROAR!!! T_T....my hair is cui now.... my taiwan-cut hair...
ok...lame...not like i am some yandao... i'm ugly anyway....
haha...but still sad...
went to cut cos it's getting too long to style....but now...
well done, too long and thin to style....
but at least this hair cut can last me sometime be i need to cut again....
maybe i should try cutting my hair myself again...lol....

btw, Rambanana's how come most of ur blogs i've read cannot comment one... like cassandra's huisi...racy....only read this 3 actually....who else blogs?? hmm...is cannot coment cos comments off or cos i noob dunno how to??>.<>.<)only bearly made out the first one...2nd one cmi...but hmm...all i can say to u is, let time heal ur wounds ba...do stuff to cheer up urself...or like go sweat it out like i alwasy do when i feel down. go for a ball game! go for some outdoor activites...to the rest in RABANANAS too...feeling down? then go sweat it out... u guys live so clsoe to east coast park....so good.... unlike me....choa chu kang....omg....
o and....racy....i cant find ur blog...wad relink sia....i'm noob.


Pauline Shane Querido said...

View my blog intructorrrr.Pauline hereeee[= I misss camp! http://www.chutzpauls.blogspot.com

Roaring Monkey said...


Racy ♥ said...

HUH! You cant find my blog meh! LOL. beautify-thislove.blogspot.com

&, my blog no comment. LOL. Only got the tagboard. its on the left ;D go tag okay~ hahaha xP wah~ i got new reader in my blog ~ hahahahahahaha~

HUISI said...

hahas.my blog no comment de...only got tag board...got anythg juz tag there lor!and the supersmall lil prints are thg i wan to rite out but dun wan ppl to see...hahas.you wan noe ah....view source lor!hahahas,tag regularly ah...hohoho!thank you!;D