Sunday, May 25, 2008

23rd-25th May 2008, East Spring Sec 2 camp.

My first back-to-back camp. Man was it tiring...haha...but still it was fun.
The atmosphere of the camp was kinda weird in the beginning, cos the campers were too.... too... quiet and should I out it...they are really responsive when trainers they to rah-rah them...but when the trainer stops, they stop dun get high???
but luckily in the end during the camp fire things went great and they finally got "high"!
Was a bit hard in the beginning to work with my mirror instructor, Instructor Adha, cos we had totally different stlyes in leading i should say and the coordination was not there....but after some discussion on the first night, things went ok after that.

Day 1: Haven wake up b4 the CRC cos still "recovering" from the previuos camp. But luckily after CRC I perspired and woke up. LOL...Kidnap was great too, all they kids ran together...guess they are my lucky star...this is the first time i got my first key on the 3rd try. Usually I'l; always have to try like at least 7 times before I get it...BANANAS, ur my LUCKY STAR!!!
Then debrief actaully ended at 12 plus...but sad thing is my sentry duty is at 4.30...slept at 2 plus...cos was talking to Potato and some other trainers... then so lazy to wake up for sentry...but the campers on the left of the camp woke up at 4 plus and where so noisy i was forced to wake up and do somethign about it....ROAR!!! I WANTED TO SLEEP....

Day 2: The day started with Land experdition where I taught the kids some skills on orientering and also stressed that need to look out for each other so that the group does not get seperated during the trip. The trip went ok too, hope they learnt that planning important from the trip, we were the last to set off but not the last to come back cos we planned. BANANAS, REMEMBER THIS!!! PLAN!!! As always kayaking is the highlight of the camp. Finally saw Hui Si from group 8 excited and jumping ard...haha... haiz.....but sadly....they kayaking session had to end early cos of bad weather.....y I always so suay....sorry RAMBANANAS...T_T...
After kayaking wad Campfir Prep....first time my group cannot finish my Campfire item by the final campfire so stressed out, din even have time for dinner....but luckily we still manage to prepare soemthing and pull it off during the campfire, Fad, the breakdance part even though it was less than perfect but at least there's entertainment value and your courage and willingness to do it for the group is really RESPECTABLE, with that attitdue I'm sure some day you'll be somebody, RAMBANANAS, learn form his spirit!...also lucky you guys were loud enough for the cheers part....wahaha....cheers is my forte...cos i'm ROARING MONKEY!!!
Anyway, RAMBANANAS, if anyone of you get to read this, i hope you've learn the importance of cooperation, punctuality and that there's a time for fun and there's a time to be serious. Sorry to let u all see evil monkey aka Mojo jojo during campfire prep...was really stressed cos last min le still cannot get you ppl to work together....

Day 3: Really a pity I had to leave early today...really wanted to stay with you guys a bit longer, but had something on at those who gave me you camp booklets the night b4, hope you'll read and learn from the messages I've left those who did not...hope you'll be able to see this....hmm...need to think of how to let you guys see this cos there are some points I left out in my debrief...
Oya...for those who didn't catch what I said about how to do activites like abseiling, rock climbing and kayaking outside, abseiling and rock climbing courses can be signed up at SAFRA. Or you can wait for me get my abseiling instructor lisence by end of this year hopefully and i'll conduct the course for Rock climbing can also be done at palces like Climb Asia and Climb Advanture....just google for them....
As for kayaking, you can either go to Water Venture(google for it) or if you just wan to have fun but lazy to go for certification, you can go to East Coast Park, there's a kayak kiosk there that allows poeple to kayak even if they do not have 1 star.

Last but definately not the least, I hope everyone learn something form the camp and you all had FUN!!!


Racy ♥ said...


hahas. my ankle has got better already :D

HUISI said...

how did you noe my blog de?
i was thinking if you could leave your msn?
that means now still can interact in blogs!!!
i had lots of fun in camp man!!!
thanks so much!!
not i lyk someone lah...
is i shi lian le...
but haha,;D
add mie in msn if you can bah!
and muz tag my blog regularly kayys!LOLs.

<3 ALICIA said...

instructor tk!!!
im alicia here!!!
i miss euu la...
add me in msn...
so we can kip in touch la...
miie msn:
add me plz...
thx 4 all e fun euu nnd adha gave us...
i really appreciate it...
giv adha miie msn nnd ask hym 2 add me kk?
thx sooo much...

Lee Yin Yin said...

hi! i not frm your grp de, but i was wondering f other instructors have not. but i have to admit that ALL of you were GREAT!!! tks! =DD

Lee Yin Yin said...


[[DWA dWa}} :D said...

FREAKY! You actually noe my blog link, muz tag often arh. ROAR, i am officially a roaring monkey fan haha

Roaring Monkey said...

haha....well....SURPRISE!! SURPRISE!!
how i found ur url's?
well...initially was cos i realized i might have some things i forgot to say to u guys b4 i i felt a need to locate u guys and get u ppl to read my blog...(if u guys read my first post, i just started the blog after getting home on sunday)...actually i started trying friendster but only found jackie's account which conveniently linked me to huisi's account...but then i decided that it'll be kinda weird if i ask u guys to read my blog through friendster...then...'s something a fellow instructor taught me (instructor zedong aka mao), he asked me to go home go to google and search blogs for "instructor tk", "instructor roaring monkey" i did...cos he said it's interesting reading campers blogs after camps and found ur urls lo. since u guys mentioned honour...

anyway,'m really new to blogging can help me with it?? to u add that shout out box thingy??? and how to "tag" blogs sia?? >.<

my com has been dead for quite long and i'm using my bro's laptop now...he's seldom at home cos of project work...BUT MINE'S COMING TML NIGHT! WHAHAHAHA!!!!


shuting: racy rite? glad to hear that.

huisi: o.0...shi lian... sorry... hmm...hope i din make u said asking u to be my gf/saying ur my gf ba..>.< i've had ZERO Boy-gal-relationship exp man...>.< too ugly...sad...but nvm, anything u can alwasy talk to me..haha..that goes to all in RAMBANANAS too..anyway, abt adding on msn, i personally dun mind la, in fact i wanna keep in touch with you guys too...lucky u guys weren't like my unity sec campers, from day one so many of them keep pestering me got number..>.< if not i also dunno wad to do...but like i policy.....BUT...if u guys noticed, i was "forgetful" so i din hide my email on the blog.. ^.- so....ya...

alicia: sorry, dun have adha's contact too...haha...but for me u know i "forgot" to.... u know...??

tohru honda: well, hi. hmm....i dunno about other instructors...but like i said in my first entry, Instructor potato has one.

cassandra: Woot! my first fan! lol...

man...this comment is so long i prob should have made it a post...but that "forgot" email thingy is sensitive i guess??
anyway, u know, that i din bear to go early too...but i had to...honestly i was kinda worried leaving u guys early liddat...dunno whether u guys will be ok...was thinking of rushing back after i finished wad i had to do at like 10 plus to go back to sch with u guys...but then tot it be kinda weird and my mom'd prob think i'm crazy....
anyway, i'll be posting on the blog my up-coming camps and stuff also...things like family event i'll be doing? like the one i told u all about? the one at tampanies?? and stuff like i might be cyclign to east coast park sometime this week?? to kayak??
>.< haha...

Roaring Monkey said...

help me pass it ard, get RAMBANANAS to read?? thanks.

Roaring Monkey said...

even those who dun blog!!!
is that o...k..?!

Racy ♥ said...

HAHAHAHAHA. I just realised, by coment reply was the shortest. MUAHAHAHAS :D take care alright? roaring monkey :DDDD &, can i add you on msn? if you dont mind? ;D

<3 ALICIA said...

euu mean euu 4gotten ur msn?
dhen add me when euu remember ba...or euu can gif me ur msn dhen i add u?
hope 2 hear frm u soon...:D

Roaring Monkey said...

racy: eh i fair de lo... cos ur comment also v short cassandra's reply also v short ma... huisi's longest so got long reply

alicia: i din forget my msn, i use one email for everything. so like i said, i "forgot" to hide my email on this if u guys haven already realised, my email add can be found on the blog.

♥ELIZA ; said...

i'm from ESSS and im in group 2
do you have Denson & Sherlly's email?
the rest of the people from the group wanted to add them.
reply ASAP :D

Unknown said...

elo..btw thx fur all de fun tat u n adha gave it to us..i apreciate it alot..btw dun furget to link

Anonymous said...

I'm from Rambananas... zzz omg it's now like july and the camp was in may! >.<
Sorry.... I didn't know you had a blog!
Do you mind if I add you in msn? =D