Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Blog My World -- 29 may 2008 Channel U 9.30pm

This episode was about two guys who got really obsessed in the cybergaming world.

One, let's call him "A" felt that he couldn't make friends in the real world because no one ever understands him and there's no one he can talk to. Not his parents, not his siblings, not his classmates. He though the computer was his only friend. He believes he only lives in the cyber world, only there he can talk and be friend people. If his parents didn't allow him to play in the day, he would wake up in the middle of the night to play. He has no motivation for anyhtign but cybergaming. When both his computers broke down at the same time, he even suffered from withdrawal symptoms like throwing things around. Eventually he got a new computer and continued living in his world of cybergaming. But later, the classmate "A" pays to do his homework saw him browsing through game guides and item list in class. She recently started playing the same game too and she suggested meeting online to playing together if "A" can give her any tips. "A" hesitated, but the girls said, " hey, don't look down on me because I'm a girl, my whole family plays games, Dota, counter-strike, you name it." That day after school, they met online to "trained" together. "A" made his first friend. Finally, because he found some connection and he didn't close the door to her this time.

Before you start assuming that the world built a wall around it to keep you out...
Think, is it you who have built a wall around yourselves to keep the world out?

The other, let's call him, "B", is an aspiring pro-basketballer. However due to a training injury, he will not be able to play for sometime. To kill time at home, he started cybergaming and before long, he got hooked. He was looking for something to help replace the adrenaline rush he gets from winning a match on the court. However, unable to win all the time in the cybergame, he got more and more obsessed in trying to win in the cybergame. Eventually he just played day and night, neglecting physiotherapy that help him recover faster to get back on the court, forgot his dreams of being a pro-basketballer, stop hanging out with friends and contacting them because he was busy gaming. He even resorted to sneaking out at night and spending 200 dollars to buy a high level character so that he can alwasy win in the cybergame. That night, his dad caught him. Worried for his safety as he is still on clutches and he shouldn't have went out at such a late hour hours. He had a big fight with his dad even though he knew his dad was just concerned about him. At that point, all he knew was he wanted to play. His father scolded him and said that was he needs is the adrenaline rush from victory. He also reminded him, what happened to his dream of becoming a pro-basketballer? Is cybergaming day and night going to help him achieve that? NO! B's dad asked if he needed help, whether it would help if he takes away his computer. "B" woke up and started working on his leg. Soon he was back on the court. It felt good.

Never get too obsessed in a game or anything, or you'll end up neglecting more important things.
When you have a dream, fight for it. Do not let a small obstacle like a minor injury get in your way. Fight hard, fight well, even if you fail, you know you did your best and you'll have no regrets. Parents are always there to help. All you need to do is ask. Communication is the key.

To East Coast Park and BACK! 70km! WOOT!

I shall write about my cycling trip to East Coast Park. My FIRST time there on my bike!

Woot! 29 MAy 2008, Thursday, what a sunny day!
Met a fellow instructor, Jerome, at the junction infrom of 10 Mile Junction Shopping Centre. The trip was only comfirm the night before. Destination? As far as we can go! lols...
Because it's not very long after my knees surgery, only 8 or 9 months after op for my left knee and merely 4 months for my right knee! I wasn't confident of going all the way down to East Coast. But we made it! Need to get used to my cleats again too. Nearly fall and crash a few times during the trip. Lucky I'm still in one piece. ^_^

The route:
We went down Bukit Timah road(man, this is the hardest part of the route...lotsa up and down slopes), all the way pass HCI and NJC to Adams road then to Newton Circle(that junction was messy!). Took a short toilet break at a SPC petrol kisok and carried on down to bugis. Where we went to Blue Reef Scuba for a visit, I bumpped into a JC classmate from first 3 months, he was there for the recruitment into Trekkers. We stayed and chat with the senior trainers for a while before going off again. There's going to be a trip this August in the NPD week. Diving, trekking and abseil of NATURAL CLIFF!!! OMG! I WANT TO GO!!
Anyway, back to the cycling route....
We passed through Geylang(the traffic here is messy too...and Jerome that crazy guy kept leading me, weaving in and out of traffic.) where we had TAO-HUAY BREAK! LOL... the Tao-Huay was nice..
After that we contined all the way to East Coast Park. Found out that cycling on the over head bridge to cross over to East Coast Park from the park connector comes with a $1000 fine! OMG...Jerome's friend got it once before!
At East Coast Park we went to check out kayaking spots and rates. Only to realise that there's no longer kayak rental available at ECP. Sad. BUT, NO WORRIES! Those you won't get the beautiful view of the sea, there nearest play for people staying in the east would be Bedok Reserviour. There, like the old Kayak Kiosk at ECP, you od not need to be a member nor do you need at least 1 Star certification. Rental is open to everyone and it's open-deck kayak. So it's very safe, if you capsize, you'll just fall off the kayak. No worries of being trapped under.
Jerome ran into his campers from St. Patricks at ECP, they were blading there.
Was actually thinking of going over to Bedok Reseriour to check things out...but I'm TIRED! Already covered 30-40Km and we still have the return journey to consider. So, next time~

The Return journey:
We basically took the same route back, but didn't stop by Blue Reef Scuba again. Also didn't stop for toilet break! I wanted to try going all the way back to Choa Cku Kang without stopping. Haha... but still we stopped at a bike shop along Bukit Timah road to take a look. Cools bikes in there...
The tirp back was tiring! Especially the up slopes on Bukit Timah road(nearing CCK)! I was too tired to speed up after slowing down again, so I decided to speed all they way back to 10Mile Junction after I gained speed form a down slope. LOL...SHAG~
Finally got back to 10Mile Junction. I waited for Jerome, he didn't speed all the way back like I did.
Jerome got a 1.5 liter bottle of H2O at Seng Siong, we sat outside Seng Siong and shared the drink. Chat a bit. Then when home seperately. I still had 1 slope to go up at Teck Whye...T_T. But still manage to make it back home....
Now I have to clean and wax my bike....the spokes of my front rims are risky. zzzz.....
Cleaning was tedious! But the bike needs maintainance...haha....
The trip was tiring...BUT FUN! SHIOK!

Next target: Changi Village!

Any cyclist out there wanna cycle?? lol..

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Blog My World, Thursdays Channel U 9.30 pm

My Blog My World is a new(ok...not so new also...debuted 15th may) TV program on Channel U, every Thursdays 9.30pm.

Synopsis(taken from MediaCorp Website): Love, school work, gangs, dreams ... Youths aged between 13 and 21. What are in their world? What are their thoughts? With the objective of giving the youths in Singapore an avenue to voice and represent themselves in their most naked truth, "My World My Blog" sets out to portray true youth’s stories through untainted glasses for a real life representation in the virtual world of television broadcasting. "My World My Blog" journeys with you into the world of these teenagers to understand their behavior, their thinking, their emotions, their needs and their wants.

It's a meaningful show I recommend teen readers, young adults, adults and parents out there to watch. It gives an insight on what's going through they youngsters heads today and through these stories, lessons can be learnt. It allows teens and young adults to take a step back and take a look at themselves and reflect on themselves. Are they like the main character of a particular episode? Have they done anything similar? Was it the right thing to do? What were they thinking? ...etc...
Also, it allows adults and parents to understand teenager and young adults today more.

I've been wanting to watch the show. But due to camps, I haven't had the time. The previous episode was the first one I watch. I shall try to watch every episode I can and write a review on the episode, including my views and lessons that can be learnt.

Again, like all my posts, comments and constructive criticism are most welcomed.

Roaring monkey looks at BGR

hmmm...forgot y i wanted to post this...but nvm...

Firstly, I'm not against BGR in sch...
well, i have no actual experience and wad i say is totally based on hear-say and what I've seen.

BGR can be good and bad.
Good: couple influencing each other in a positive way, like encourage each other to work harder, be it studies or work. Well, for student's case, studies.
Being in a relationship can make someone become a better person, become more responsible, more hard working, more organized, etc....
A friend told me, if he hadn't met his current girlfriend, he'd prob still the playful guy he was.
I saw the change in him too. He really did become more matured (not that he's not matured to begin with. know wad i mean?), more driven in life, and start to think about his future more seriously.

Having someone special with you,
well....someone to keep you company, someone to do things with, to chat...etc....but wad if they are too "sticky"? Resulting in too much time spent on him/her and no time for other stuff?? What about personal time???
Which brings me to the bad part of BGR....

A relationship is supposed to be happy and help to improve oneself, help one become a better person.
The most important thing, HAPPINESS. If not, what's the point?
When the relationship is affecting you in a negative way, then it's certainly uncalled for.
Depression due relationship problems, no mood to study/work, losing motivation to work....
One should understand that as a student, studies should come first, it's your future....
This is really cli`che, it's wad all the adults, parents, teachers...etc...are saying, but it's true.
Yes, there's bound to be ups and downs in a relationship but, what needs to be done must be done.
Don't cry over spilt milk, when everything is finally over and you realize you wasted so much time on that person and still have a bad relationship with him/her and u get bad result...parents unhappy....blablabla....
Weigh the benefit and the consequences, is it worth it? My point of view? No.
What needs to be done, must be done.
Yes, some might say, hey, don't talk big, it's just that you're a loser,ugly, no one likes you, so you never had a girlfriend. But seriously, after hearing all the complains my friends have, no time for this no time for that, girlfriend's unhappy, need hoaxing, girlfriend don't allow me to do this and that....
I guess besides the occasional loneliness, I'm really enjoying my single-hood. I have all the time I want to do wad I play ball, to cycle, play

Next, especially for the girls, for goodness sake, please please please, learn to protect yourselves.
What I'm going to say here, I think some of the readers already know. Sex. This sounds preachy, but it's important.
"If you love me, you should give it to me." I say that's BULLSHIT. He loves your body more that he loves you.

Girls, NEVER, be pressured into it by your other half. If he loves you he should respect you.
More like, "If you love me, you should love me for me and respect me." On the news you see teens starting to do it earlier and earlier. There's even pregnant-cases in primary sch. What's the society coming to? The lack of stigma of losing one's virginity is becoming a problem. Ppl are really starting to view sex more and more lightly.
Shouldn't sex be a special something that you saved for that special someone?? Yes, and you say, at that time you really though he's the one. Hello? If you are 14-17 years old, how sure are you that he's going stay with you or you want to stay with him?!
Then after you did it you'll start thinking, I gave him my everything, I have to stay with him...

For people out there that thinks, Sex can strengthen the relationship, it is true, BUT only when the relationship has matured and both of you are now sure that he/she's the right one, more extreme way to put it, married or ready to get married...
Very often people jump in to a relationship to soon and in the heat of the moment, for the first time they did it. Soon after, they realised he/she's not the one and they start to regret...
But now, because they had sex, they cant just break up like any other couples....
The guy, being responsible will think: I did it with her, I took something very important from her, It's her first time. I cant just break up with her like that....
The girl: I gave him my all. I have to stay with him...
Sex, in this case, becomes what's keeping two separate individuals together in the relationship...
The guy, if he's responsible enough, will stay with the girl and really take care of her...
The girl, maybe she still loves the guy and clings to him afraid to lose him as she already gave him her all.
With responsible individuals, the relationship might be sustainable. But very likely it's not going to be full of love as it is being held together by a mistake--sex too early in the relationship. This is naggy. The rest of it, guess readers can imagine.

That's was the BEST CASE scenario, girls, what if the guy you meet is just a jerk who's toying you?

With the above, guys and girls, please think twice before doing it. Yes, girls are always on the losing end, but guys, same goes to you, a wrong decision and you have yourselves to answer to.

Agree? Disagree??? Anything to add??? Comments and criticism welcome.

Back from reading EV forms~

went down to the office to read the EV form for my East Spring Sec 2 camp ytd...
wanted to post this ytd...but...TIRED!!
hmmm....wonder if anyone's going to read this...

Jonathan: Thanks for trying to explain to Chief Kent for me.... LOL...really din expect that.... touched..dun worry la...nth much happened in the end cos in the end the campfire turn out ok ma.

Alexis: where got long never

Jonathan/Alexis: i could have fed u all with a dance or something just to get the campfire performance over and done with. But i dun wan ma, i wan you all to learn to work together and produce something together so that the outcome would be more beneficial and u guys will have a better sense of accomplishment. hope u all learnt something of this experience of "last-min campfire preparation".
Sometime there are situation where ppl are forced to work will ppl they dun know or even ppl they dun like, but if we can only move on as a team, then we HAVE to work together. Hoped u all also learnt the importance of communication and cooperation. And that in a group, someone must be willign to step out and make responsible dissicions for the group, i could have been that guy, but i wan u guys to learn...well...Jonathan, i think u really changed during the camp ba? from the quiet guy that kept saying "i dun wan to be instructor", u really started to speak up and encourage the group. really gald to see that. JIA YOU!

Cassandra: Thanks. haha....but ur 2nd line, jia you in wad?? lol...

Norashiki:hey.....sorry....i accidentially deleted wad i wanted to say from my phone....i said thanks for the fun or soemthign liddat rite.....well.... glad u had fun...and very importantly, hope u learnt something.

Gek Peng:lol.... not all my events are in tampanies can be anywhere. anywhere the is i'll go...just that the previous one i did was at tampanies.... heard that one was actually a family day event, anyone could have gone, just go there register can le...too bad u guys missed, kick the habit la...i knwo wad i mean rite?

Faheem: Glad u learn something. Yes, without communication, nothing can be achieved in a group. an idea will stay and idea if it's not communicated to everyone and brought into action.

Terrence: I v emo meh....

Huisi: thanks gal, ur welcome! ur the only one that left something for me in grp 8! lol....k lay...grp 8 only 2 person wrote something behind...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Someone help me out here? I'm a noob at blogging...

wad link me... wad relink...
tag me blog...
wad's all that sia....
and how do i add that shout out box thingy to my blog....
how to add pictures???
and those list of wadeva....
can anyone help me???
i wanna add stuff to my blog!!!!

btw, evelina, u ask me to read ur blog...but i went and i dunno how to navigate ard sia....

ROAR!!! The barber spoilt my TAIWAN-CUT hair...T_T

ROAR!!! hair is cui now.... my taiwan-cut hair...
ok...lame...not like i am some yandao... i'm ugly anyway....
haha...but still sad...
went to cut cos it's getting too long to style....but now...
well done, too long and thin to style....
but at least this hair cut can last me sometime be i need to cut again....
maybe i should try cutting my hair myself

btw, Rambanana's how come most of ur blogs i've read cannot comment one... like cassandra's huisi...racy....only read this 3 actually....who else blogs?? cannot coment cos comments off or cos i noob dunno how to??>.<>.<)only bearly made out the first one...2nd one cmi...but hmm...all i can say to u is, let time heal ur wounds stuff to cheer up urself...or like go sweat it out like i alwasy do when i feel down. go for a ball game! go for some outdoor the rest in RABANANAS too...feeling down? then go sweat it out... u guys live so clsoe to east coast good.... unlike me....choa chu kang....omg....
o and....racy....i cant find ur blog...wad relink sia....i'm noob.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

23rd-25th May 2008, East Spring Sec 2 camp.

My first back-to-back camp. Man was it tiring...haha...but still it was fun.
The atmosphere of the camp was kinda weird in the beginning, cos the campers were too.... too... quiet and should I out it...they are really responsive when trainers they to rah-rah them...but when the trainer stops, they stop dun get high???
but luckily in the end during the camp fire things went great and they finally got "high"!
Was a bit hard in the beginning to work with my mirror instructor, Instructor Adha, cos we had totally different stlyes in leading i should say and the coordination was not there....but after some discussion on the first night, things went ok after that.

Day 1: Haven wake up b4 the CRC cos still "recovering" from the previuos camp. But luckily after CRC I perspired and woke up. LOL...Kidnap was great too, all they kids ran together...guess they are my lucky star...this is the first time i got my first key on the 3rd try. Usually I'l; always have to try like at least 7 times before I get it...BANANAS, ur my LUCKY STAR!!!
Then debrief actaully ended at 12 plus...but sad thing is my sentry duty is at 4.30...slept at 2 plus...cos was talking to Potato and some other trainers... then so lazy to wake up for sentry...but the campers on the left of the camp woke up at 4 plus and where so noisy i was forced to wake up and do somethign about it....ROAR!!! I WANTED TO SLEEP....

Day 2: The day started with Land experdition where I taught the kids some skills on orientering and also stressed that need to look out for each other so that the group does not get seperated during the trip. The trip went ok too, hope they learnt that planning important from the trip, we were the last to set off but not the last to come back cos we planned. BANANAS, REMEMBER THIS!!! PLAN!!! As always kayaking is the highlight of the camp. Finally saw Hui Si from group 8 excited and jumping ard...haha... haiz.....but sadly....they kayaking session had to end early cos of bad weather.....y I always so suay....sorry RAMBANANAS...T_T...
After kayaking wad Campfir Prep....first time my group cannot finish my Campfire item by the final campfire so stressed out, din even have time for dinner....but luckily we still manage to prepare soemthing and pull it off during the campfire, Fad, the breakdance part even though it was less than perfect but at least there's entertainment value and your courage and willingness to do it for the group is really RESPECTABLE, with that attitdue I'm sure some day you'll be somebody, RAMBANANAS, learn form his spirit!...also lucky you guys were loud enough for the cheers part....wahaha....cheers is my forte...cos i'm ROARING MONKEY!!!
Anyway, RAMBANANAS, if anyone of you get to read this, i hope you've learn the importance of cooperation, punctuality and that there's a time for fun and there's a time to be serious. Sorry to let u all see evil monkey aka Mojo jojo during campfire prep...was really stressed cos last min le still cannot get you ppl to work together....

Day 3: Really a pity I had to leave early today...really wanted to stay with you guys a bit longer, but had something on at those who gave me you camp booklets the night b4, hope you'll read and learn from the messages I've left those who did not...hope you'll be able to see this....hmm...need to think of how to let you guys see this cos there are some points I left out in my debrief...
Oya...for those who didn't catch what I said about how to do activites like abseiling, rock climbing and kayaking outside, abseiling and rock climbing courses can be signed up at SAFRA. Or you can wait for me get my abseiling instructor lisence by end of this year hopefully and i'll conduct the course for Rock climbing can also be done at palces like Climb Asia and Climb Advanture....just google for them....
As for kayaking, you can either go to Water Venture(google for it) or if you just wan to have fun but lazy to go for certification, you can go to East Coast Park, there's a kayak kiosk there that allows poeple to kayak even if they do not have 1 star.

Last but definately not the least, I hope everyone learn something form the camp and you all had FUN!!!

20th-22nd May 2008, Unity Sec 1 camp

I shall start my first camp journal with the 20th-22nd May 2008 Unity Secondary Sec 1 camp.
Yes, it's already 25th but i'm writing about it only now cos I just ended my back-to-back camp today...
It's my first back-to-back camp experience. Got back home on the 22nd night at slightly pass midnight, shower, pack my bag, a short sleep of 5 hours and off I go for my next camp with East Spring Secondary....that I'll talk about in my next entry...
Unity Sec 1 camp....GREAT CAMP, GREAT CAMPERS!

Day 1: The camp was tiring, especially the first day, cos I was the Kayaking instructor(my first time)+powerboat.....yes...powerboat...I had to manually drag the "lost-sheeps" back together and do rescue for the capsized kayaks WITHOUT a powerboat helping me....
Man, I was so happy I'll finally get to kayak the whole day....turns out, it's the full day swimming session for me...Though tiring, but it was a fulfilling day, I've learnt lessons myself on how to conduct Kayaking session more efficiently too....things like...always watch your back, dun drift too near to the's just a 2nd class played "capsize" near the kelong...8 or more kayaks capsized and took me nearly an hour to get everyone back to the shore...
Rafting up is better done near the shore where I'm still able to tought the seabed sicne objective can still be met and rescue of capsized kayaks can be done more easily.
1 life-vest was missing in the end....dunnno wad happened can a bright orange life vest go missing just like that...zz....might need to pay...

Day 2: I was Abseiling instructor, another highlight of the camp. Was really lucky to be station IC for both the highlights of the camp. Abseiling when on really smoothly except for sometimes when campers where scared and did not dare to go down....just needed to encourge them more but eventually they all made it down. Especially my group, there were 3 of them, but they too made it down in the end. Learnt that for campers that are scared, I should hook them up fast and get them to step-off the ledge asap, do not allow time for them to think as the more they think they more afraid they get. If any campers are reading this, this applies ot hurdles and obsacales on life too, if you dwell on it too much, keep thinking, "wad if i fail", "wad if i fall", you'll just get more and more afraid too try and may even break down unable to try eventually.
In times like these, when there somethign u must do, just do it first, very often, after you take the first step out, you'll realized it's actually not that may even turn-out to enjoy it!

Day 3: I was station IC for the first 2 days and was still thinking I may not be able to bond too well with the group for the hike on the last day. But turns out we bonded really well. The hike when on really well(except for the part where they keep askign my for my address and contact...kinda, saw many of them starting to work together and started looking out for each other and we got the highest scored for the hike!! Some other trainers like Kristlyn was teasing me saying that my group won cos I "bang-chance" cos I did the recce for the hike.
but....ROAR!!!! I DID NOT!!! I never lead the group at all, they lead themselves and lead themselves, it was their own effort. Every member played a part in it. It wasn't a case of 1 person leading all the way. love them.

In all, the camp was great. Was really lucky to have such a nice group! Just pure luck...haha....
All the best to everyone!!!!

My first entry...

After Alex aka Potato (yes, it's Instructor Potato of told me about his blogging experience about camps, and campers from recent camps asking if I have a blog. I've decided to start one myself.
Since it's company policy in both Trekkers and Camp High Achievers that trainers are not allow to retail contacts of campers and also not allowed to give out contacts to campers, I think it excludes blogging...rite? Since it's not real time chat or something?? Plus, blogging allows me to keep journals of my camps.
Also it might in some way allow me to continue to reach out to and help campers???
....and maybe even earn a little extra pocket money like Potato if i get enough hits???