Monday, June 11, 2012

Changemakers 2012 - Chung Cheng Leadership camp 2012 26th-29th (Fighting your inner-voice and the Procrastination-Demon)

Hi guys....
First, I really have to apologise for this looong over due post that should have been up more than a year ago...
Well... I had been really busy with for a period I wasn't in the right state of mind to write a constructive post....and then I got employed full-time...teaching...more travelling......even more busy.... Really?
NO. That's all just excuses from the Procrastination-Demon.
Time and again the thought of completing this post popped up just to be dismissed by the Procrastination-Demon. NO. MORE.

A series of events that happened early last November set me thinking. About LIFE...and what I have been doing with mine (such a heavy I decided I need CHANGE and really start doing things I've always wanted to do. This can go on an on...but let's not bore you with it...

Back to something related to "Leadership".....
With my new outlook in life, I booked a flight to Europe for my first solo adventure at the end of December...

The trip was not only to see the world but also for self-discovery... I remember saying in an earlier post that reflection and self-realization is key to self-improvement. Travelling solo is amazing for that. =)

I realize I might be repeating a lot of things I've said in the older post if I were to only write about the camp(which was already drafted not long after them camp). I believe you've probably read those so I will not be writing about the camp. Besides, it's probably too late. I hope you haven't forgot what you learnt during the camp. Especially lessons about YOURSELF.

This post is about "Everyday Leadership".

First, watch this: The Bystander Effect

I URGE you to watch it again even if you have watched it before.

Done? What would you have done?

Rule #1 - I ought to help someone that is clearly in distress.
Rule #2 - I ought to do what others are doing. - TO CONFORM.

Which is your inner voice? Or rather, which one usually wins?

This is a video I wanted to share with you guys either during the camp or slightly after, when I first saw it (there are many other similar experiments on youtube). While in Europe, I was reminded of the video.

I flew to Munich to meet a buddy of mine and in between, I flew to London to meet a girl(she's your senior from Chung Cheng!) I really wanted to know but have never met in real-life(one of the young and crazy things to do. =D).
London was also when I REALLY spent time ALONE. Rediscovering myself.

When you travel alone, all your senses heighten. In a foreign land, alone and vulnerable, you'd either be: Really nice, helpful, smiley and friendly to everyone, treat everything with an opening mind and be ever welcoming to all experiences; or, you be all weary, apprehensive, scared and sceptical about everything. I chose the first.

You want to be really nice, helpful, smiley and friendly to everyone because you hope everyone will be the same to you. You are alone in a foreign land. YOU NEED IT. Treating everything as an experience make you happier, because you will never be on the losing end. You always, learn something. After all, I'm a pretty big guy so I can take a little risk.
"The world out there isn't really that scary. Not everyone is out there waiting to take advantage of you. There are tonnes of people willing to help you." - Some other solo traveller wrote this(she's a girl in her early 20s!), and it is soo true!

I'm writing about this because this was my experience as the person in "distress" - the one that needs help. During my short 2 weeks in Europe, I asked countless people for help. I wanted to explore, get lost, talk to people and find my way again so I did not depend on my smartphone. Did not use the GPS or call anyone unless it was meeting them. I asked for direction to places, A LOT. Asked random people on the streets if I could borrow their phone to make a call because I did not have an overseas line.
NO ONE, declined to help.
NO ONE, waved their hand at me and walk away in dismissal....until...
I asked if I could borrow a phone from a group of 3 Asian guys(probably Taiwanese, Chinese or HongKong-er) in London, Oxford Street, in English.... the guy I approached did not even utter a word after I finish asking. Instead he just waved his hands and walked away with his 2 friends. I could tell from the way they looked at me as they walk away that they think I might be trouble. -.-"
There I stood thinking, I thought I would be easier getting help from Asians since I am Asian too???

This set me thinking. This, this "wave-hand-and-walk-away" crap happens a lot in Singapore doesn't it!? What's wrong with us?? Many of us are weary. Afraid of being cheated. I'm not saying it's bad to be cautious, its is important to exercise caution to protect yourselves. But very often our so called fears cannot really be justified. Do you really have that much to lose by helping? Why are we like that? Are we desensitized? Or have we been cheated one too many times? Or just that we have heard too much?
The truth is this, when someone runs away with your phone after you tried to be nice by letting him make that "important call", it will be plastered all over your Facebook, Tweeter, Whatsapp and any other platform that helps you SPREAD THE NEWS. You want everyone to know.
But in a normal case, where the guys makes the call and returns you the phone, looking eternally grateful, you are not going to post: "OMG, I LEND A STRANGER MY PHONE FOR AN URGENT CALL AND HE RETURNED MY PHONE AFTER HE MADE THE CALL! SO NICE!!!"

The bad-stuff spreads wide as fast, but the "good", is deem as normal and no one really talks about it. Because guess what? IT IS NORMAL - this means normal people, in our normal world is not out there waiting to cheat us and run away with that iPhone5s or S4 that we worked so hard and saved-up to buy. But of course, know where you are and what you stand to lose, don't be stupid.

Our response to things around us very much depends on our past experiences; what we hear from our friends and loved ones. What they will do when in a similar situation. It's our innate need to CONFORM, to be able to RELATE. It's is human and hence that's how the majority of us behave. Most, if not all of us are AFRAID TO BE DIFFERENT at some point in some given scenario.

You camp was title - CHANGEMAKERS. Leaders stand out because they dare to be different. They took the LEAD and created that change - see how that first person TOOK THE LEAD to help that lady lying on the floor and suddenly there is a CHANGE. A "new group" is created, the group that helps, and others start to help too. How that lady saw something wrong and wants to help. But only FOLLOWED after seeing someone else helps first.

Which one are you? Are you willing to be different? Be judged?

We can talk about this more but it will be too long and draggy than it already is. Instead of just me talking, leave a comment.
Let's play tennis.=)

P.S.: All of you should have graduated from Chung Cheng right? HOPE EVERYONE's DOING GREAT!!=)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

21st-23rd May 2012 Unity Sec 1 Camp

It's been sooooo long since I've updated this blog. But now since I've graduated(FINALLY!) and have more time on hand, maybe I should start writing again....

It's the time of the year for Unity Sec 1 Camp again!! YEA! It's the 4th or 5th time I'm doing this program!
So many times I can remember. Maybe Olivia/Yatie (i hope i got the names correctly) from my first batch can enlighten me on that. But anyway, same time of the year, same school, same program but different campers!

For those who have been waiting for the post, Baloo maybe? Really sorry for the late update, have been really busy with camps and stuff... Let's get started...

Well, first, its really good to be back with family at Trekkers League, all the fun at camps with the students and fellow trainers...tiring, but fulfilling. I hope all the students had as much fun as I did and very importantly, learnt something from the 3 days.

This years Unity Sec 1 program is a little different from the past. The neighborhood hike/amazing race was on the first day instead of the last. This of course meant that we had more time to bond and know each other while we moved from point to point during the hike, however it also meant that sometime was needed to "warm-up" and the the team together. As a results, less check points were covered despite the same amount of time given. Luckily, the time and distance traveled was still sufficient to observe and know the group better. I hoped the members of Baloo did get to bond and know each other better from the hike too.

Over the 2 days, my little monkeys continued to monkey around (what can I say, they are with the Roaring, playing and running around, disturbing and playing jokes on each other even during briefings before games. I had to scold them and my co-trainer, Farah, usually such a soft-spoken nice lady,  also had to scream at them. Well, I guess that typical of Sec1 students? I was probably more mischievous then.

3 days really isn't much and the fact that I was stationed at the abseiling station on the last day did not help. I wish I could spend more time with them, but I guess I can say that I'm still happy. We made a pact to that Baloo will behave and do our best and end the camp with a bang. I'm glad to say with the noise I heard from the group and the feedback from Farah and the other trainers, I'm Happy. =))

It's now 2 weeks plus after camp and like it or not, I'm here to remind you. Don't just remember all the fun you had in camp. Remember the lessons learnt. Self-believe and focus. Who cares if you are in the Normal stream now, if this Big Monkey here managed to get where I am now, you little Monkeys can too. Like I've said, some of you have already begin to realize how important it is to stay focus on a task and believing that you will succeed. Remember what we went through during Helium Loop?? How I had to impose a punishment for not completing the task in time? Remember how easy was it to finish it eventually?? You just have to WANT TO DO IT. I can't be there, no one can be there to keep pushing you and forcing you to focus. Don't be discouraged by little set backs, DON'T STOP BELIEVING. because I still do. =)

Baloo, ever been called the Strawberry generation?? Looks good on the outside but soft on the inside, can't take any pressure? To tell you the truth, this term "Strawberry Generation" started when I was about your age. To me the Strawberry Generation is nature by our circumstances, being over protected and over spoon-fed. Having everything done and given to you. Challenge that! I AM NOT A STRAWBERRY! When things are done for you, given to you, that is a bonus. You don't need it. We you greet your teeth and fight back, with you work for something, work hard for it, the results will be so much more fulfilling.
In your case, that would be to study hard!!! That's your basic duty as a student isn't it??!

I hope I'll be back next year for another Sec 1 camp and I'll hear all of you telling me how well you're doing! special request.....
123 321 BALOO BALOO NUMBER ONE! B. *four claps* A. *four claps* L. *four claps. O. *four claps* Oooo. *clapssss* B A L O O. *four claps* BALOO BALLO ALL THE WAY! WE BALOO HERE WE BALOO THERE WE FIND OURSELVES A CAVE, A CAVE, A CAVE CAVE CAVE! 💜

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1st - 3rd June 2010, Chung Cheng High School (Main) Leadership Developement Program

C – Committed ( with passion we learn)

C – Confidence ( with pride we progress)

H – Honourable ( with integrity we live)

M – Mentally tough ( with perseverance we strive)

S – Servant Leaders ( we lead by example)

HI BOBS~!!! It’s a just about a week now after our camp, hope everyone’s doing great! ^_^

It’s been sometime since I did full, overnight camps, let to say leadership camps. So I was really looking forward to the camp. A camp is a learning journey for both the instructors and campers. With each camp, we encounter a different group of campers, different problems and have different ways to solve them.

This camp was a special one. Many of the activities are in fact rather new even to me. Some are combination of a few activities to make it more challenging for the campers. Also because this is a leadership program, there were more activities that require camper’s thinking skills, initiative, communication skills and command & control.

River challenge was modified by adding a building challenge to it to test the ability of campers to give clear specific instructions.

Games with a point required campers to come up with a new game with a learning point and then conduct the game for the cohort. A test of organisational skills, briefing, execution, command & control and debrief.

Besides the activities, there’s something new for me in this camp as well. Though it’s not my first leadership program, but it’s the first time having “non-student leaders” in my group. Despite having everyone introduce themselves during the ice-breaking session, I did not realise this because there were a few others who also did not hold any leadership position yet. This turned out to be a problem.

In Leadership Programs, much more is expected of the campers. Stricter, campers expected to be more proactive, self-motivated...etc... This is usually a little too much for the “normal campers”. In usual cases I’d be able to motivate those that are not so driven to press on, however, I fail to realise the needs of this small group of campers. The root of the problem only came to my realisation on the 2nd afternoon when I decided to pull them out instead of stopping the whole group. After Shuko, the camp chief spoke to them while the rest of the BOBs carried on with planning for Games with a point.

This is really a lesson for me. 2 years back when I was really seasoned with regular camps, I’d probably realised the problem and fixed it on day 1. But that’s no excuses. Because I was too excited to see what this group of leaders, BOBs, handed to me are capable of, I overlooked that small group. Something I should really remember not to do in future. On the other hand, handling a “different” group like this is a pretty interesting experience as well.

That’s about it for personal let’s talk about BOB?

GREAT CAMP BOBs~!! But....I’m going to nag again... PLEASE STOP THAT PUSH BUTTON SYMDROM!! Once that’s out of the way, you guys can really go far. There are some really, really, promising individuals in BOB. You know who you are. ^_^

I believe you guys know what to do, what right. The something that’s lacking is perseverance, believe and some guts. No matter how good a plan is, if it cannot be carried out, it stays in your head, nothing is going to happen. The starting is always the hardest, if you know it’s right, push on, like what I’ve told Xin Hao. He did try to encourage others to take the lead, but gave up after just a few tries. Push on for what you believe.

Be more confident. A leader is not someone who knows everything, someone who does not commit mistakes. A leader is someone who makes responsible decisions and ready to face the consequence of his/her decisions whether it turns out good or bad. He/she is HONOURABLE and ACCOUNTABLE. A leader doesn’t need to be the best.

A leader is one that makes the best work seamlessly together to achieve greater things.

In case anyone’s wondering why keep a blog on camps, it’s for REFLECTION. It’s for me to think and condense my lessons learnt from. For me to know my weaknesses so I know where to improve. If you guys read the post on MJC’s leadership camp, there’s more on “reflection”. Know your weaknesses, that the key to success.

OH YES! Please do leave comments? I wanna know what you guys think about the camp too! And, maybe even how I fair?? And yes, it ok to criticize. ^_^

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


i'm still alive and kicking!
sorry for not updating for soooooooooooo....... long...
wonder if anyone still reads this...
been really really busy TRYING HARD to juggle studies and DANCE~(WEE~)
concert's in less then 2 weeks!(wonder how's ticket sales...heard it's not really that good>.<)
on 15th march at national lib drama centre.
been dancing almost everyday...and last week, everyday.(literally)

just came back from diving trip over the weekend...quite a sad trip cos my dive buddy, instructor MAO pang-seh me...T_T

that almost sums up what i've been doing lately? kinda no life?
NO. DANCE is LIFE. lol.

Hope everyone's doing fine~!

Han quan, Ye An and kayying, NO!
XINMIN Leadership camp!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Management with Humour Lect 5

"NEEDs"-Motivation to work.

One need to be motivated and willing in order to do a job well.
One of the most important role of a leader is to motivate his team to perform to their best potential. To motivate means to make the team willing to put in high amounts of effort and work towards a common goal.

People are motivated by “Need”. The need to get better that what you already are. The need to live better than you are living. Need to affiliate with others. Need of sense of achievement....etc. If a leader is able to make the team see the need, and make them want it badly, the team will be motivated to work. However if the team is satisfied with what they have, there will be no motivation to get better.

Needs, according to Maslow's can be classified into higher(“spiritual”:social, esteem, self-actualization) and lower(physiological (hunger...etc..), safety) needs.
When the lower needs are not satisfied, one usually will not consider the higher needs. When you cannot even have full meals a day, you wouldn't think about things like getting famous.

The lower needs are usually the more powerful motivators. Eg. When you are dying of hunger, you can even forgo safety and try to get food that's dropped on the road. But would you give your life for something like fame? I believe for most people, the answer is, “no”.

The need to affiliate is another powerful driving force. Humans, as emotional beings have desires for interpersonal relationships. Very often, people are willing to stay working at a place because they have friends there, they like the culture there. To these people, the good relationship with colleagues is the motivation to stay on and work hard.
Eg. When I was working as a camp facilitator under a certain company, even though all of us working together under the company knows that we can easily find other companies that pay much better, we still stayed on because we enjoy working with each other.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Management with Humour Lect 4

Here's a little something for you guys to read if you too border and have nth better to do...
something I wrote about managing people for my management module.
We can discuss this if anyone's interested. haha...

Understanding behaviour is very important in human management. To make majority of the people feel happy under your management, you have to be able to understand how and why they behave the way they do.
Humans can behave very differently when they are alone compared to when they are with a group. People can also behave very differently when they are with different groups.

People often conform to a certain way of behaving with they are with different groups at different places to avoid conflicts and also not to look “out-of-place”.

Very often, the behaviour of a person is linked to his attitude towards something.
Everyone has a way of looking at themselves and others, the cognitive component; how they feel about something, the affective component; how they intend to behave, the behavioral component.

What's interesting is, even though everyone of us have a certain way of looking things, how we look at ourselves, what we perceive to be the right thing to do. But very often under different circumstances, we often do not do what we think is right or what we originally intended to do. This, is cognitive dissonance.

We always gave ourselves excuses and reasons to do things different from what we believe in and sometimes even what we know is wrong. This is exactly because we want to look “normal” with the group. This is like peer pressure.
It can be good and bad.
If the influence is good for example, a lazy employee placed in a very hardworking work environment will be “forced” to work hard.
On the contrary, if a hardworking employee placed in a very lazy and laid back working environment can “turn-lazy” so as to fit in.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last paper tml~!!!!


tml's my last paper...
then it's gonna be dance dance dance and prob a bit of piano and guitar~!
b4 my lousy result kill my joy!
hope everyone's doing great!

Exams probably over for everyone le rite?
Hope u guys did well!