Saturday, December 27, 2008

Management with Humour Lect 5

"NEEDs"-Motivation to work.

One need to be motivated and willing in order to do a job well.
One of the most important role of a leader is to motivate his team to perform to their best potential. To motivate means to make the team willing to put in high amounts of effort and work towards a common goal.

People are motivated by “Need”. The need to get better that what you already are. The need to live better than you are living. Need to affiliate with others. Need of sense of achievement....etc. If a leader is able to make the team see the need, and make them want it badly, the team will be motivated to work. However if the team is satisfied with what they have, there will be no motivation to get better.

Needs, according to Maslow's can be classified into higher(“spiritual”:social, esteem, self-actualization) and lower(physiological (hunger...etc..), safety) needs.
When the lower needs are not satisfied, one usually will not consider the higher needs. When you cannot even have full meals a day, you wouldn't think about things like getting famous.

The lower needs are usually the more powerful motivators. Eg. When you are dying of hunger, you can even forgo safety and try to get food that's dropped on the road. But would you give your life for something like fame? I believe for most people, the answer is, “no”.

The need to affiliate is another powerful driving force. Humans, as emotional beings have desires for interpersonal relationships. Very often, people are willing to stay working at a place because they have friends there, they like the culture there. To these people, the good relationship with colleagues is the motivation to stay on and work hard.
Eg. When I was working as a camp facilitator under a certain company, even though all of us working together under the company knows that we can easily find other companies that pay much better, we still stayed on because we enjoy working with each other.

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