Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm still alive/Management with humour Lect 3

Hi ppl...
sorry for being dead for so long with the lag of updates...
been dancing alot and busy with essays projects and stuff....
exams round the corner!!! in 9 days!!
and after that it'll be dance everyday cause competitions coming up and a performance too~
hope everyone's going great!
those in sec 2 hope yall did well for ur streaming!
sec 3, hope yall did well too so you can play hard this hols. Next year's TEH year for yall!

here's a little something for you guys to read...

Leadership styles and having the right person for the job

An organization can have many different structures and with these different structures come different ways of management.
The different structures also makes the job scope and work load of the the employees different. From highly specialized, in which employees of a specific department do only one kind of work to one which is diversified. In which one employee can have many different jobs.
From highly centralized, where there's little autonomy and decisions are mostly made by higher management while employees have little say; to highly decentralized, where employee at given much more autonomy and more say and chance to make decisions.

Highly specialized can improve productivity by eliminating redundant “actions” as everyone know has to worry about doing their small part right.
Highly centralized management will make decision make very fast and efficient.
Highly diversified job scope ensure employees do not get bored of their job.
Highly decentralized management give employees more autonomy and a bigger part to play thus possibly giving them higher job satisfaction.

However, it is not the type structure that determines the success of the organization. Rather, it is whether the structure employed fits the people with in the organization. Whether the management can work with the particular kind of structure and whether the employees are comfortable and able to derive satisfaction from working this way.

This is where Human Resource Planning comes in.
Not only must one know when and where to bring in talents, where to put them.
Job profiling can be done to find the best person to fit the job or vise-versa.
This is important as if the wrong person is given the wrong job, he will not be satisfied and this will decrease productivity. He may not be able to do the job well either.
E.g. If someone who does not like decision making is given a job under a highly decentralized management structure, he will be satisfied as he's forced to make decisions.

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