Saturday, August 30, 2008

Management with Humour Lect. 2

Decision making and Choice.

A problem may exist but it is not a problem unless you are aware of it.
Also, you choose what problems you have in life. You yourself decided if something is going to be a problem to you.
Ask yourselves, " Can I live with the problem?".
If you can, then it is no longer a problem.

After analyzing the situation and having decided on an alternative to resolve the problem,
things do not end here. A manager has to make sure everything goes according to the new plan and do follow-ups.
Evaluate the outcome. Was the plan effective? Has the problem been solved?
If it is not, new measures need to be taken to solve the problem.
This is especially important today with the ever changing world.
Situations are ever changing and so are the problems. A manager has to follow-up regularly with consistency.
If a manager is inconsistent, his subordinates will have problem following his lead.

Just like treating an illness, solution to a problem has to address the root of the problem and not just the "symptoms".
Addressing the problem only on the surface is only a short term solution.

Dwelling too much on trying to get the best solution, you will realize every solution has it's problems and end up not being able to decide.
Every solution brings with it a seed of the future problem.
Problems will keep appearing.
That is why we need a manager.
Very often, there is no 'Best' solution/outcome for a problem.
The manager has to decided if it is "good enough" and "can I live with the problem?".
Not "giving up" and pull out of a situation early enough because you do not want to waste all the effort that has been put in can result even more lost.
Just like in the stock market, people decide to buy-in even more instead of selling, when then prices are dropping.They do so because they do not wish to lost the money they have invested by selling off their position at a lower price.
Very often, this kind of mentality causes them to go bankrupt.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dayang Adventure: DAY 1

Day one wasn't much actually.
Zedong and I got to the dive shop at around 0810.
Waited for the rest to come while we packed our diving gear.
As soon as everyone arrived and we were ready to move, we loaded everything on the
a van and we're on our way.

Passed the custom an arrived at Johor at around 11am.
We stopped for and early lunch at 1120.
The place we had lunch was interesting.
The food were laid out buffet style.
We took what ever we wanted to eat, and after we sit down, the waiter will come over and write
us the bill according to what we have taken.
Wonder how they actually charge...
I ate alot as this would be the last meal before we arrive at Dayang for dinner.

After lunch the van then took us all the way to Mersing without stopping.
Much of the road was just straight down all the way to the horizon.
The journey wasn't really comfortable when though the van actually has a TV for us to watch.
It was really packed as we have lots of equipment with us.
When we finally arrived at Mersing after the near 2 hour journey on the van(as usual, zedong had motion sickness and he slept through the journey),
we couldn't wait to get of as our butts were aching.

When we arrived at Mersing, the boat was already waiting for us so we boarded immediately.
The boat ride lasted nearly 6 hours and was really bumpy due to strong winds and choppy waters.
The boat wasn't really big so we couldn't go fast also due to the water condition and the fact that we are going against wind.
As the waters got more and more choppy as we got out into the open sea, the boat ride seem more like a roller coaster ride. haha..
I sat on the side of the boat, enjoying the wind and I could see clearly how much the boat was tilting.
Sometimes a little scary. But fun!
I stay on the out side of the cabin almost the time,
when the wind blowing salt water at me and later drying it off,
by the end of the journey, I was literally covered in salt.Haha...
Some of us slept a bit during the journey, it's just so long.When I got up, there was white line of salt running from my neck all the way down my right arm. lol...
Zedong slept through the journey after staying awake for the first 40mins to 1 hour after taking his motion sickness pills.
I tried to take a nap but couldn't really fall asleep with the the occasional splashes of water and the boat shaking so violently.
But because some of us were not sleeping, we saw dolphins as we were nearing Dayang!
Though sadly, they were too far for my camera to take any clear pictures of them.
But I took pictures of the beautiful sunset behind us. haha...

When we finally arrived at Dayang, it was already 8pm.
Unload our stuff, checked into our dorms and snacked while waiting for dinner.
After dinner we chilled and had a little guitar/song session before we called it a day.

That's pretty much for Day1~

Going trekking tml!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Management with Humor Lect. 1

Hey, it's been sometime since I last updated.
Been busy with school.
Well, I realized before I post about the Dayang trip, I can actually shared this.
This post and a few more to come are actually part of my project for my module, Management with Humor. We are required to write a 300 word learning journal after every lecture for the first 5 lectures as part of our project work which is worth 60% of our results of this module.
As I was writing, I thought, ,my learning out come might be useful to some of you guys interested in leadership stuff. So here it is.

The lecture started with the lecturer telling us about how his book, “Management with Humor”, was turned in to a course by “chance”. This reminded me that in life, you need that little bit of luck for success. Also, many things we do/create for a certain cause, may result in something unexpected. Just like when the Internet was first “invented”, no one knew it can do so much and cause so much impact.

Many of the things I've learn from the lecture can actually related to my experiences and an adventure camp instructor.

Different places have different management systems. The style of management largely depends on the work culture of the place and the character and personality of the people in the system directly affects how the systems functions. This is why when we enter a new environment, be it work, school or society, very often we need time to get use to the culture and they way things work.

It's just like how you can find your things in you “untidy” room initially but not after your mother tidy it.

Different people have different ways of working and thus managing different groups of people would also require different styles. Just like how every camp is different.
I can never use the same style to interact and handle campers from different schools and age groups.

The manager needs to be able to bring his point across accurately in order to be efficient and effective. “Fear” may be able to people work more efficiently, but coupled with unclear instructions, it will still result in ineffectiveness. (just like example of cleaning toilet in the lecture) A manager asked the cleaner to clean the toilet and make sure anytime he checked the toilet is spotless. The cleaner worked very hard to make sure it is spotless. To make sure it's stays that way all the time, he locks the toilet.
The task is completed.
But this is not effective.
It has totally defeated the point of having a toilet and cleaning it!

Humans are emotional beings. How we feel directly affect our productivity. Everyone likes to feel recognized and valued. And when we feel recognized and valued, we are more driven to work because we do not want to be a let down and thus increase in productivity. The opposite is also true.
Just like when campers feel that instructors really cares and believe in them, they show improvement and perform better.

All, if not most of us always choose the conventional way of doing things. It's human nature. We choose the safest way—the one that many have used and proved to be the best.
However, with the ever changing world today, what works today may not work tomorrow. Managers have to be innovative, to be able to stop, think and come up with new ways to solve problems.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It's been sometime since I last updated.
The blog is still ALIVE!!

Just got back from the expedition on Sunday night.
Haven't updated yet because I missed 2 days of school.
Really busy trying to catch up now.
I sure I can do it...
I must!

The trip was great!
The natural cliff abseil....trekking...diving....
Everything was COOL!!

I'll be posting about each day of the trip soon as soon I catch up with school.
Or when I can squeeze time to do it.
So stay tuned~

Thank you for your support to Roaring Monkey~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Especially the last lecture on "Management with Humour"
The lecture was really interesting and the prof was a great speaker!
But, first day and I already ahve project to do.

it's 2.22 am now...
just got back home not long ago...
checking my backpack for tml's trip...
the one i've been talking about.

well, going to MIA for at least 6 days.
will update on the trip asap.

Wish me luck~